David Allred Joins the Empower Network

September 26th, 2012

The Empower Network

It is official folks.

David Allred joins the Empower Network!

I’ve finally found a home based business that has the leverage, price point and income potential that’s worth the effort. The Empower Network has all that I have been looking for.

  • I enjoy blogging
  • I like making money
  • I like helping other people make money
  • I dig personal development
  • I am always looking to learn more about internet marketing
  • It’s a business model with extreme leverage
  • I really don’t enjoy prospecting (Bonus! No prospecting in the Empower Network)
  • Anyone can afford the startup costs
  • Massive residual income potential

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What are Income Producing Activites?

September 7th, 2012

Income Producing ActivitiesIf you’re someone who has ever been involved with network marketing, you’ve probably heard someone on a training call tell you about “income producing activities.” And along with that, they gave you the understanding that if you didn’t focus primarily on doing those activities, over everything else, then your business would fail miserably.

Absolutely true! As entrepreneurs, we want to keep ourselves busily engaged in activities that will grow our business. In doing so, it’s imperative that we’re conscious of which activities are actually helping our business progress instead of restricting it.

Now you might be saying, “What in the heck are you talking about Dave? That makes no sense at all!” I would tell you that you might be right, BUT, I can explain myself a bit here. So bear with me.

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The 2ez2x2 Home Business Opportunity

August 1st, 2012

2ez2x2Just the other day I received an email from a former business colleague. Within the contents of the email was a subtle offer for an additional revenue stream along with a pleasant greeting from a friend. Now I typically receive several offers a week from people I’ve connected with in the past and will occasionally look into the opportunity out of respect for that person. This was one of those occasions.

I was then introduced to the 2ez2x2 home business opportunity. Now, I’m going to be completely transparent here. When I first read the name of this opportunity, “2ez2x2,” I thought to myself, “Oh great! Another winner.” The name of the business seemed…..corny! But, I went ahead and listened to the information and was impressed.

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ASEA Business Opportunity

April 18th, 2011

ASEA Business OpportunityFor the past six years, I have been part of some pretty amazing companies in the Network Marketing industry. I’ve experienced more success than ninety percent of network marketers as a whole. I’ve made hundreds of thousands of dollars working from the comfort of home and have been able to do some amazing things for my family. My path in Network Marketing started with a company called Liberty League International. It was a great company, with a great purpose and it had it’s hay day.

There was a while where I took a break from Network Marketing. Despite my success, I wanted to do something a little different. I started a more traditional business, helping businesses improve their internet presence.

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Avoid My Biggest Mistake

October 5th, 2010

Business Opportunity BlogUnfortunately, Network Marketing companies come and go, or, you are someone that comes and goes, bouncing from one company to the next. Although a company seems solid, with a good product and great compensation, there’s no guarantee that it will be around forever.

My BIGGEST mistake as a home business owner, was putting all of my eggs into one basket. I put so much trust in the concept/product/owners of the company I was part of that I didn’t have a back-up plan. Now, if it’s all solid, there are no worries. But, if things go a different direction, if the company crashes, if the products lose their value or if any other variable happens that effects the company, it also directly effects your income. Instead of putting so much into the company, put that focus on the goal.

So imagine that 6 figure income you had managed to create while working your home business, suddenly gone, or significantly reduced. Now, if it was your doing, that’s one thing. But if was a direct correlation to something that happened in the company, that’s an entire different story! Without pointing fingers or taking a victims mentality, how does one recover from something like that?

Here’s how I recovered……I relied on the online presence I had. With the amount of content I have all over the net, the presence in social networking sites and the organic rankings on all major search engines, I had choices. With consistent, FREE traffic coming to my website, this site, a crash of a company wasn’t a complete disaster. All that did was gave me options.

I could…….

  1. Join another business opportunity or….
  2. Do something else with the traffic I was getting.

I could develop my own products and promote them on my site. I could completely monetize my website with sponsored listing from ad networks such as Adsense. I could continue to capture leads and sell them. I could promote affiliate products on my site. The list could go on and on.

So if you find yourself in a home based business, and you are purchasing leads, spending high dollar on CPC ads or don’t have a web presence, you may want to rethink your strategy. Set yourself up to win regardless of the opportunity.

One thing I teach people about marketing is to use three or four different sources of lead generation. If one or two drop out, you have the other two to rely on until they can be replaced. Without spreading yourself too thin, the same thing applies for your sources of income.

I believe in the Cortez concept of burning your boats, but I also believe in having a back up plan. Expect the best but prepare for the worst and you’ll never find yourself in a hard spot, without options.

Stay tuned for my SECOND BIGGEST MISTAKE in the next post!

New Year Internet Business Boom!

December 30th, 2009

Gear up, get ready, do whatever it is you are going to do. If you plan on starting an internet business, home based business or expand your internet presence for your current business, now is the time to take action.

As the holidays come to an end, reality starts to set in for those who had the last week or two off. They start to think of having to go back to work on Monday, and for most people, that’s not what they want to be doing. So what do they do? They start looking for something else that will create a change in lifestyle. Something that will create a little more freedom with their schedule. And you know, most people know there are opportunities in existence that would allow them to work less and make more, yet, they have no idea where to find them or lack the courage to get started. For some, it’s like trying to find a grain of sand in a box of Malt-O-Meal or Cream of Wheat. But even though they have no idea what they are looking for, they will be looking.

Seriously, if you think about it, what time of year do people receive the most desire to change? It’s the beginning of the New Year, and if you’re anything like me, I start to reflect a bit on the past year. In doing so, I find stuff I don’t really like about it, so I set goals to change it. One of the most sought after changes is MONEY CHANGES. People want to make more money, ALWAYS. Money means comfort, lifestyle, family time, freedom, stuff, toys and so on.

I can tell you, being a home business entrepreneur has some amazing perks at the beginning of the year. The other day I had a conversation with someone I know who works for GoDaddy. They mentioned that GoDaddy hasn’t experienced a dip in business AT ALL. They are flourishing! Why?

It because people are looking for other ways to generate extra income, internet based. There is a rush coming. I can promise you that. Find yourself an opportunity that suits you and take advantage of those who will be searching you out. Now is the time to take advantage of the New Years internet business boom. Don’t wait. Get started!

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