Life is Way Too Short

October 18th, 2012

Life is way too short

This past Saturday I celebrated yet another birthday and turned a whopping 36 years of age. I had a great day filled with family and food, both of which I love and can’t live without.

Life is Way Too Short

Every year, somewhere near my birthday, I seem to get caught up into reflection on my life up to that point. This year, I realized how flippin’ fast the last twelve months had gone by and to be honest, I started to freak out a bit. The more that these birthdays pass by, the more I realize that life is way too short!

We live in a farming community here in Central Arizona, and the main crop is cotton. It seems like those fields were white, all ready to harvest, just a few months ago. When in reality, they were harvested a year ago. My kids are now a year older and busier than ever and sometimes I wonder if I am having the influence on them that I should, and could.

I’m sure those of you with children can relate.

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Corn Mazes and Pumpkin Patches Rock

October 16th, 2012

Allred's at the Pumpkin Patch

This past Saturday was a pretty eventful weekend. First, it was Graham County Fair weekend, and second, it was my birthday! I’m still not sure what I wanna be when I grow up, but you can be dang sure that it’s not average. But more about that later. The weekend before last was our annual trip to Apple Annie’s Pumpkins patch and corn maze. And I can tell you, corn mazes and pumpkin patches rock. Between the kettle corn, apple smoked burgers and family, it’s an all round good time.

Here’s why I share this with you: One HUGE aspect of success is you, living your life so that others can see.

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Are You Sick and Tired Enough?

September 23rd, 2012

Sick and Tired One of the reasons I joined the Network Marketing industry was because my wife asked me to. That’s the truth. But that was just one of the reasons. And to be completely honest with you, I had no intention on getting into Network Marketing before that point.

You might be thinking to yourself, “Join  the club!” Right?

My Mother had been part of almost every cosmetic or health drink business there was, yet, I didn’t grow up with the lifestyle most people get into this industry to live. Mainly because I think my Mom joined those opportunities simply because she loved the product and wanted to try it out. That, and she really has a strong desire to help others.

But like I said, she didn’t make any REAL money from her efforts.

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Living Paycheck to Paycheck Sucks!

September 14th, 2012

Living Paycheck to PaycheckIt’s Monday, you just put gas in your car and need to pick up some groceries. In order to do this, you decide to put only ten bucks in the tank instead of just filling it up so that you’ll have enough left over to buy the groceries. When you return home from shopping, checking your bank account shows a balance of $25.

Pay day isn’t until Friday…..

Sounding familiar? Living paycheck to paycheck.

How about another one?

It’s been over a year since you’ve left town for anything other than work reasons. Your social life stinks because when you’re invited out for dinner and a movie by friends or family, you have to turn them down. You’re lucky if you eat out at a restaurant at all during a months time. However, as a nice gesture, instead of letting you off the hook, they offer to pay for your dinner. As if you didn’t already feel low enough, to avoid letting the cat out of the bag, you make up some other clever excuse as to why you can’t go out.

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I Wish I Would Have…

February 4th, 2010

Live today as if it’s already tomorrow!” Lately, this is a motto I have come to know well in my life. Basically, if it’s today, yesterday is already gone. You can’t change it, alter it or get it back. What’s done is done…or on the other hand, what’s not done is just a missed opportunity. It’s gone! So seriously, live today as though you will never have today again…and the crazy thing is, you won’t ever have it again. I know….deep right!?

My point is simple. Yesterday, I listened in on a conversation my wife was having, and it was the most motivating conversation I have ever heard. It brought tears to my eyes to sit there and listen to this man pour out a life of regret. He had spent his life striving to live the dream, business venture after business venture. He started out in the Glass Industry. Instead of running his business, his business ran him. His paperwork kept him at the office into the late hours of the night. He rarely saw his family. Then one day, he decided to build a shop behind his house and his daughter said, “Mommy, I’m so happy that Daddy is building his house so close to our house because we can go visit him now.”

He went on to say that the big house, the nice cars, the huge successful business, the glory and the fame just don’t matter. Looking back on his life now, he realizes that he was never there. The words “I wish I would have” rolled off his tongue as he spoke of his children. He wishes he would have been around more when they were little. That’s all that matters to him now, and now he is full of regret. He can never get that time back.

To me, to hear stories like this, is very, very depressing….yet at the same time, extremely motivating! I don’t ever want to say, “I wish I would have.” Ever! I don’t want to be the guy with 20/20 hindsight. I want to be the guy who lives today as if there is no tomorrow…..and so I do. If I have  and idea or a gumption, I act on it. I don’t wait. Waiting is a waste of time and besides, what are you waiting for? A better time? There will never be a better time in the history of YOU, to act on your dreams.

So just don’t. Don’t be the guy that says “I wish I had!” Don’t live a life of regrets. Don’t put off your dreams for anything. And yes, that includes the lack of knowledge on how to achieve your dreams. That’s no excuse. Live a full and fulfilling life. Every moment counts!

New Year Internet Business Boom!

December 30th, 2009

Gear up, get ready, do whatever it is you are going to do. If you plan on starting an internet business, home based business or expand your internet presence for your current business, now is the time to take action.

As the holidays come to an end, reality starts to set in for those who had the last week or two off. They start to think of having to go back to work on Monday, and for most people, that’s not what they want to be doing. So what do they do? They start looking for something else that will create a change in lifestyle. Something that will create a little more freedom with their schedule. And you know, most people know there are opportunities in existence that would allow them to work less and make more, yet, they have no idea where to find them or lack the courage to get started. For some, it’s like trying to find a grain of sand in a box of Malt-O-Meal or Cream of Wheat. But even though they have no idea what they are looking for, they will be looking.

Seriously, if you think about it, what time of year do people receive the most desire to change? It’s the beginning of the New Year, and if you’re anything like me, I start to reflect a bit on the past year. In doing so, I find stuff I don’t really like about it, so I set goals to change it. One of the most sought after changes is MONEY CHANGES. People want to make more money, ALWAYS. Money means comfort, lifestyle, family time, freedom, stuff, toys and so on.

I can tell you, being a home business entrepreneur has some amazing perks at the beginning of the year. The other day I had a conversation with someone I know who works for GoDaddy. They mentioned that GoDaddy hasn’t experienced a dip in business AT ALL. They are flourishing! Why?

It because people are looking for other ways to generate extra income, internet based. There is a rush coming. I can promise you that. Find yourself an opportunity that suits you and take advantage of those who will be searching you out. Now is the time to take advantage of the New Years internet business boom. Don’t wait. Get started!

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