A business that provides true freedom!

November 29th, 2006

What is true freedom? When you think of the word Freedom, what do you think of? Most people probably think of the freedom that we enjoy by living in a Democracy. We have the right to choose and the freedom of speech. Freedom to act as we will within laws and regulations. We have the freedom of religion as well as the freedom of free enterprise.

I am a business and success coach and have the opportunity to assist individuals in obtaining their ultimate lifestyle. When it comes to starting a business, money is usually the most common motive. People want to be rich and not have to worry about bills. Living paycheck to paycheck is not an easy life. It’s stressful. It is a hard road to travel. Having a normal job is living paycheck to paycheck unless your profession is in high demand, in a specific expertise, or you are the CEO. It is just the modern day version of slavery. You have to answer to, get told what to do by, get paid by, move your family for….a Boss. Whether you believe it or not, that life is nowhere close to the Freedom that I would like to refer to.

More than often I meet someone who is looking for a business that offers total freedom. Instead of being consumed with making money, they are more interested in obtaining total freedom, financially and personally. What would your life be like if you no longer had to worry about money, worked a few hours a day, could do whatever and go where ever you please because you have the time and money to do so? How would your life be different? What would you do? Where would you live?

I am part of a business that offers exactly this. I enjoy this freedom and assist others who are looking for this type of lifestyle. Step out of bondage and into a life of freedom and abundance. The world has so much more to offer than a 9-5. Take control of your life and get committed to getting what you want. Not what someone else wants for you. We are only here on Earth for a short period of time in comparison to the eternities, live life.

“What we do in this life, echoes in eternity.” -Gladiator-

Three ways to make money!

November 28th, 2006

In the industry I am in I have the privilege of meeting some inspiring individuals. I always consider myself as a student in life and always on the path to success. I don’t think that it is ever a destination but a gradual process. I learn from the people I mentor. The more I teach the more I learn. The more I assist others in getting what they want, I get what I want.

To get to the point, the three ways to make money are: To work for money, to have money work for you to make more money, or to have someone else work for you to make you money. Which one sounds the easiest? Or which two? One of these is what about 97% of the population does. They work real hard for their money and were probably raised that way. At first, I think that is how we all start out. I mean, most of us aren’t born with a wealthy bank account.

What is your limiting belief that may be holding you back from the fortunes that await you? I know what mine was just a short while ago. Knowledge! Knowledge of who I really am and what potential I have. Knowledge that thoughts are energy and what you think about all day long….you become. If you think you must work hard for your money then you will…..all day long. Your thoughts become your reality.

It seems like it is taking me an eternity to finish this book, “Why we want you to be rich,” by Donald Trump and Robert K. They emphasize over and over that financial education is important. There are ways to have your money work for you to make more money but it requires knowledge. You must know what you are doing. Financial knowledge is the cure for poverty. The more you learn, the richer you become. Even though there may be some mistakes and failures along the way, they are moments of learning.

I am involved in a business that teaches financial knowledge and entrepreneurship. If you desire to make a lot of money and have it make you more money, find a problem, then find a solution to it and you will have the wealth you seek. I discovered, I lacked the knowledge I required to be able to attract riches into my life. I have since changed that through educating myself and know of a solution for those who are ambitious and who think a little differently than the other 97%.

So in conclusion, I believe there should be a balance between the three ways to make money. 10% working for your money, 45% money working for you, and 45% other’s making you money. If you really want to be wealthy, learn how to master this ratio. It’s a hard thought to shed, not having to work hard for your money, isn’t it? I can show you how….

A state of Gratitude!

November 25th, 2006

Thanksgiving! What a time to sit back and take a look at your life and what you have to be thankful for. I have such a long list on my things to be grateful for that I couldn’t name them all here in one post. It would also take me hours to do. One of the things I am most grateful for is time…so listed everything would defeat the purpose. I think the one thing that I am most grateful for this year besides my family, is this business. What would my life be like without it? Where would I be?

I’ll tell you, I would not be as happy. Unto whom is given much…much is expected. And I would like to add a little to that….and who has much to be grateful for. What is life like when you are living your dreams? What do you do during your perfect day? Where are you? Who are you with? These are questions and things that I could not picture 3 years ago. I have a perfect vision of what my dream lifestyle is like. I am living it! If you can’t picture your dream lifestyle, then how will you ever know if you have obtained it? How will you feel content with where you are headed? How can you feel a sense of fulfillment?

I have a beautiful life. I have 2 beautiful, healthy daughters and a loving wife. I am living in my dream home in the location of my choice. The business I am involved in allows me to have the time I need to enjoy my life. I only work 4 hrs a day. And I love what I do! I can honestly say that I have an abundance in my life. An abundance of love, money, happiness, fulfillment, and am content with where my life is headed. I have much to be grateful for and remind myself everyday of those things. I think that is important in being successful. Celebrate your wins and always be in a state of gratitude and you will attract more wins and more things to be grateful for. I’d like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and hope that you have an abundance of gratitude and things to be grateful for in your lives as well.

Ten Steps to Becoming a successful entrepreneur

November 22nd, 2006

As Featured On Ezine Articles Free Enterprise: Either you are into it yourself or you are working for someone who is. My name is David Allred and I am a successful entrepreneur. I am involved in a legitimate home based business through which I have been able to enjoy total freedom, both personally and financially. I am a business coach and a personal mentor for those seeking to become successful.

Running a successful business can be very difficult without the right tools. I have made a list of the ten most important steps that have helped me along the way.

1. Your Why is the fuel behind your drive. This is what will drive you to success and must be strong. This is the Reason you want success. Why do you want to be rich? Why do you want success? Get clear on that and visualize the outcome every day.

2. Your Belief system is vital to achieving any level of success. Do you believe in yourself and your abilities? Do you believe in the products that you offer and also your own business? Your beliefs must be tied directly to your “Why” to the point that you have the Will-power to do whatever it takes to obtain your goals.

3. Having a Solid Business Model or a good business plan as the vehicle as well as short term, mid term and long term Goals that are obtainable but that will also stretch you.

4. You must create a Board of Directors for yourself. It refers to this in Napoleon Hills “Think and Grow Rich.” Your board of directors can be people in your immediate circle of friends or individuals that don’t even exist. These are people who know more than you do in different areas of business or personal success. People who you can confide in and ask advice from. This is called Masterminding. Henry Ford, the founder of the great Ford Automobile Company, didn’t know everything there is to know about the industry. But you see, he didn’t have to. He surrounded himself with those who did.

If you want to become successful then you must surround yourself with successful people. Avoid negative people and focus on those who are positive in thinking.

5. Be in the Service of others. You must also realize, when you help others to get what they want….you will get what you want. This doesn’t mean that you will have to bow down and give your entire life away to serving others at no charge. Most businesses are based on a service.

6. Personal Development. Always be learning and improving. Always be a student in the school of life and business. Self improvement and knowledge are what creates energy in your countenance. Have you ever been into the home of someone you considered as very successful? Did they have a library or large collection of books or information? Most likely they did.

7. Persistence is the key to getting the results you are looking for. Have you ever heard of the term, “Burn your boats,” or “Don’t leave yourself a back door?” Basically, don’t have the option of failure in your mind. If you give yourself a way out, then you are sure to take it. If your “Why” is strong then you will persist until you succeed.

8. Do the thing. Set aside a specified amount of time for Money Making Activities every day. This is how the money is made. Establish a DMO, daily method of operation, that includes income producing activities that will not be interrupted.

9. In every business you must have a strong Marketing/advertising campaign. Get your name out there.

10. If you plan to win big, you must also Play Big. If you play small, you will win small. I see so many small businesses who try to rent an older building, start out small and then go out of business. If you are looking for all out massive results, play big and play to win.

I have built my business upon these principles and know they will be helpful for anyone seeking to obtain their ultimate lifestyle of prosperity and abundance. If you are looking for a vehicle, I can teach you a business that can and will transform your life.

The Secret

November 17th, 2006

Believe it or not but I just finished watching the movie “The Secret last night. What a fantastic show man. I may have to watch it a few times to grasp all of the information. For any of you that haven’t watched that movie, get it and watch it. You will go throughout life in a completely different manner.

The Secret is basically something that all of the leaders in the world have known but somehow hid from the rest of the population. If everyone were to know this information then they wouldn’t have been as powerful in some cases. And it all makes sense to me. Of course people of power would not let it out because they desired to submit everyone else.

The Secret is “The Law of Attraction.” What we put out there in our thoughts, feelings, and actions will come back to us a materialize. I spoke of this in my last blog a little that thought and knowledge are energy. We are energy. That energy is released into the universe and the universe has no choice but to grant our desire. Think about some of the stories that you have heard about. Even children’s stories. Let’s take Aladin for example: Of course when Aladin rubs the lamp a great and powerful Genie appears and grants him 3 wishes. It speaks about this in The Secret. They traced the tale back to the beginning and there were actually unlimited wishes. But the genie replies with “Your wish is my command.” Aladin was putting his focussed thoughts out there and the universe was responding and granting his desires.

I have what I call my goal board in front of me and also behind me on the wall in my office. On that goal board I have some of the things that I desire. I have them either written down or an actual piture is up there. I focus on them every day and know that they will come. I have seen it already with a few of them. It is amazing to me how powerful focussed and consistent thought can be. Whatever you have in your life right now, you attracted and actually created it. When I came to accept that and applied my thoughts to attracting what I wanted, my life completely changed.

I once had a boss who was always worried about his business falling apart. He would always think that his employees were dishonest and were out to get him. It consumed his thoughts and you could see it in his actions as well with the way he treated people and the things that he owned. He went from having over 50 employees, 5 locations, and a distributorship down to less than 10 employees and one location. He didn’t necessarily attract the dishonest people but had the thought in his mind that he couldn’t trust anyone. So he basically closed down his own business.

If it is prosperity and abundance that you seek, get clear about it to where you can see it happening. Refer to it as already happening and focus on what you want. The last part is receiving. You must be willing and ready to receive what the universe is granting you. Be aware and watch for opportunities that are placed before you. There aren’t any kind of time constraints on receiving what you desire but you must be ready to take hold on it and grasp it before the opportunity is gone. It will present itself but you must be ready to receive it. So when it comes to what you want, if you focus your thoughts and energy towards it, the universe will answer. Just be ready to receive.

The Information Age

November 15th, 2006

In my eyes, information is power. We as a society have come from being excited about the wheel back in the stone ages and getting mail delivered by pony to having millions of listings on any given subject at the touch of our finger tips. What a time to be alive! I feel blessed to be part of such a great time in history. Information is not only power, but if used right it’s money as well.

We live in a time where people are hungry for information. I am involved in the personal development industry and am a business and life coach. I consider myself a life student when it comes to improving myself and those I come in contact with. I don’t think that it’s possible to know everything there is to know on any subject. Especially personal and financial development.

97% of the worlds population are what I consider modern day slaves. They are doing the drill as we would say in the military. They wake up every day and go into “Drone Mode” and continue working for someone else’s dreams. Followers! But they seem to be hungry for ways to make money and ways to improve their current circumstance. What they lack is the ablility to take the action towards obtaining their dreams and goals.

I am part of a company that teaches principles based on obtaining true happiness. I associate with a group of entrepreneurs who are on the path of total freedom and personal enlightenment. That is powerful information. One might search an entire lifetime and never obtain it. What is true happiness for you. What lengths are you willing to go to obtain it?

Two years ago I was unfulfilled, basically broke, living paycheck to paycheck, living in a two bedroom apartment, wishing I had a way out of it all. The only books I had read up to that point were the scriptures, the Hardy Boy’s series, and some children’s story time books. Through this business I have discovered that knowledge is energy as well as thought. The more thought and energy we put into what we want, it will materialize and present itself. I now own a fairly large library of books and find that I am more fulfilled than ever. This business has changed the way I think, thus changing the results I have in life. That is the kind of information I’m talking about. Information that can change lives for the better. It’s priceless……and I am very content with where my life is headed. Can you say that about yours? If so, congratulations. You know where you’re headed in life. If not or if you are looking for more, I can assist you and point you in the right direction and present to you a business that is transforming lives.


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