The Simple Life

August 18th, 2009

The Simple LifeWe have all heard of the people that say their biggest desire in life is to live “The Simple Life.” Not much responsibility, worry or care, just simply them and what they love the most. Out of all they have experienced in life, their truest desire is to live simple, to get away from the hustle and bustle of the world.  That’s the simple life!

Living the Simple Life

I think that living “the simple life” has different meanings for different people. I have personally had conversations with people that say their idea of a simple life is living like a hermit in the mountains without clocks, a schedule or even a wife. Just them, nature, maybe a dog and no where to be. The more common idea of living the simple life is to own a home in a suburb somewhere, have a few kids, a mortgage, a dog and a white picket fence.

I just asked my wife what her idea of a simple life would be and she said, “My idea of a simple life would be to live on the beach, in a hut with clothes made out of hemp, bathe in the ocean and just lay out all day!” I think her idea of the simple life wins the golden nugget for today! I wouldn’t think that hemp clothes would be that comfortable but obviously she is a beach bum at heart!

The word simple means, easy or not complicated. So the simple life is plainly a life that is easy, or not complicated. It is a life without much worry or stress, a life of simplicity. Although life can be complicated by nature, it is our choices that make it that way. We create our lifestyle. We either are the cause of our simple life or the cause of our miserable and complicated life.

My idea of the simple life involves a few key words. It involves financial freedom, so that the worries of bills, mortgages, rent, basic necessities of life, gas for my car or anything else that requires money will not be in my simple life. It involves complete time freedom. I mean the ability to choose for myself the schedule of the day, which is never set in stone and always subject to change. It involves service, the ability to give, teach and inspire those in need. It involves pursuing my hobbies and passions. It involves my family right along side me every step of the way.

That’s the simple life and in order to ensure that I have all those key elements in place, I have got to make key decisions right now that lead me closer to the simple life and the more I think about it, I am mostly there!

Know this, 9 out of 10 people who read this post will statistically NEVER reach their ideal lifestyle. They will never live their version of the simple life. Believe it or not but it’s true! Most people grow old wishing they had done things differently. They wish that had purchased that land or they wish they would have started that business. Your life can and will be just as you plan it to be if you choose to do so starting today. So tell me, are you hanging out with the nine……or are you the one?

Money Making OR Family Time

August 12th, 2009

Family TimeWhat do you consider most important:

  • Making money OR
  • Spending time with family

What is your answer? It’s pretty obvious right? Most people would say that spending time with family is most important and you know what…they are exactly right! That is more important, but, if you have no money, are you going to enjoy that time you spend with your family? Or are you going to even have that time to spend? Money isn’t everything right, but what is everything without it? What is your life like with money….and without it? Think about it a bit.

I will be straight up honest with all of you right now…I put money making above family time! Yes, you heard me right. I put making money above family time, but I have a good reason. Here it is…If I am not making money, I cannot fully enjoy my family time. If I can’t provide a good living for my family, while I am with them, I will be thinking of what a failure I have been to them. While with them in physical form, my mind will be somewhere else! My mind will be thinking about the money I am short that month or the bills coming up. So in reality, I am not even truly spending that time with them.

Time spent half-heartedly is time wasted! If you aren’t giving something all you’ve got, if you aren’t completely present, it would have been better if you weren’t there at all. If I am to truly enjoy my family, I must know that I have everything else in order. Given I don’t have to have billions of dollars coming in before I am comfortable. I just have to know that my short term future is immediately taken care of. For example, if I know that my rent or mortgage is coming up next week and I don’t have but fifty bucks in my bank account, my wheels are turning. Since I work from home, I have the freedom to choose my schedule right? So, if my kids get home from school and want to go catch bugs, it’s 2:30 in the afternoon, should I pick up and go catch bugs right then? I wouldn’t be able to truly enjoy that time with my kids because my mind is preoccupied with bills, so I would hold off until I feel I have accomplished all that I can with my work day. Then maybe when six o’clock rolls around, I can hang out with my kids. Now this is just an example but how true is it.

In order to be truly present in the lives of my family, I must make money. I must provide. That is my first and foremost responsibility to them. Once that is done, I can then devote all of my energy, authentically, to them. Family is always first in my mind, that’s why I make the choices I do. It’s to ensure that I will always be there. As a father who missed out on 8 month out of the first year of my oldest daughters life, I know what it’s like to have your child look up at you and not recognize who you are. It’s not something every father dreams about.

Money is a lifestyle tool. Make enough of it and you can live your life however you want to. That’s the important principle here. Now let’s make it happen!

Sizzling Summer Sales Contest

May 26th, 2009

Starting on the 15th of May, this business opportunity is holding a summer sales contest ending September of this year. The Summer months are going to be on fire! The sales are going to be through the roof and as a direct result, so is income!

So here’s how it works, you of course must be part of this opportunity. For more information on how to do that, fill out any of the contact forms on the website and request an interview. I will contact you for a brief conversation. Once an associate, there are two different ways to win. Prizes are awarded to the top seven producers in sales and also the top seven producers in income. Here are the prizes:


Top 7 Income Earner Grand Prize: BMW Z4 Roadster


Top 7 Beyond Freedom Producer Grand Prize: Sony Bravia XBR 52″ LCD TV

Those who place in positions 2 – 7 receive the same prize in each category. Here they are:


MacBook Pro

MacBook Air


Canon Vixia HF S10 Digital Camcorder

Canon SD990 IS Digital Camera

Apple 32GB iPod Touch

Sony 9″ Digital Photo Frame DPF V900

So we have some pretty cool prizes lined out for the top producers in each category. The prizes will be given out at a conference being held in Puerto Rico in the month of October and you must be present in Puerto Rico to receive an award.

Now I know the prizes seem enticing enough right? Well, imagine the financial reward gained from winning one of these prizes. What is the income of the grand prize winners going to look like when it’s all said and done? Now I am just guessing here, but I imagine the top income earner would be somewhere in the $200k-$300k range. Winning the BMW is just a perk when you are pulling in that kind of cash.

Now let me tell you this, a person who isn’t even involved in this contest has just as much potential to win as anybody, including myself, who has been in this business for years. It’s an equal playing field. So what do you say? Want in?

7 Things That Are Not Time Freedom?

May 18th, 2009

time_freedomI think there may be a little confusion as to what the term, “Time Freedom,” really is. So many people are seeking it, yet very few really find it. Time Freedom is a concept. It’s a lifestyle and so much more. It’s what allows Fathers to truly be a powerful influence in the lives of their children. It makes it possible for mothers to really and actually be the “Stay at home Mom!” It’s the freedom that allows you to persue your dreams, hobbies and ambitions without restraint. It is probably the most sought after thing in the world.

A lot of people associate Time Freedom with Financial Freedom. Financial Freedom can be obtained while taking all of your free time to obtain it. So many sacrifice their time freedom to get the financial freedom. On the flipside of the coin, a bum has all the time freedom in the world yet, no money! So you can have one without the other.

The big difference is, you can always get more money, but can never really get more time. The clock of life is ticking and when the batteries run out, our time to make a difference in this world is over. The ideal lifestyle is to have them both. Have the money and the time to enjoy it!

Here are a few things that are NOT Time Freedom, just to be clear:

  1. 2 weeks of paid vacation from your employer.
  2. Weekends off from your business or employer.
  3. Only having to work 40 hours a week.
  4. 2 or 3 hours in the evenings to devote to family time and hobbies.
  5. Summers off, as most teachers get.
  6. The ability to take a day off here or there or swap work days for a family event.
  7. Having Sick Days!

Now that there is zero confusion, time freedom is a very simple thing to define, and it means doing whatever you want, whenever you want, however you want, or just not doing it at all, if you don’t want. That’s it! True time freedom is being in complete control of your day. No boss to take orders from, no schedule to rule your day, no job to take you away from your true passions, no business that robs you of your personal life. It’s having complete and absolute control. If you wake up in the morning and feel like taking a drive out of town with your family, you do it. If you feel like not working at all that day, it’s your choice.

Now the trick is to be able to do all that you want to do, while still having the income flowing in. Wouldn’t it be great if there were a simple way to get them both, Time Freedom and Financial Freedom? If I knew the way, or at least one of the many ways, would you be interested to know? And once you found out how I do it, and thousands of others have done it, will you believe that it can happen for you?

That’s the key! Will you believe it can and will happen for you?

Is This a Get Rich Quick Scheme?

May 4th, 2009

Get rich quick schemeFrom time to time I will get the question, “Is this a get rich quick scheme?” I think it is hilarious when I do because most people probably can’t even define what a “Get rich quick scheme” really is. I assume it is something that promises you that you’ll get rich with little or no risk or effort. I would think this would be something a little more like gambling or pyramids, something you can just throw a little bit of cash at in hopes to get a ton back.

Is this a get rich quick scheme?

Let’s analyze the phrase, “Get rich quick,” a little bit. I guess it really all depends on the rate at which one gets rich, right? Before we get into that, let’s establish what being “Rich” really is. It would be safe to say that being a “millionaire” would be a good starting point. There are a lot of factors to consider when determining if someone is really rich, so for the sake of time, let’s say a millionaire is someone who is rich.

Let’s do some basic math. I believe the average annual income in the USA is right around $35,000. How many years, at that income, would it take a person to make a million bucks? Don’t worry, I couldn’t figure it out in my head either. Here’s the numbers:

The average person will take 28.57 years to make an accumulative million dollars, with all or most of that going to pay their costs of living. This business opportunity puts you on a much quicker path to making your first million. Instead of a 29 year track, you hold the potential to do it here within 18 months to 5 years. It’s been done over and over again. It’s definitely not a get rich quick scheme, or a scheme of any kind, but definitely a get rich quicker “theme!”

Take a look at it this way. When on a long walk you come to a mountain. You can either choose to go over it or around it. Both ways will take you to the same destination. One will obviously take longer than the other and one will be a lot more risky. Which one will you choose? The one who chooses to go around, will happily stroll along using just enough energy and risk as needed to get around the mountain. The one who chooses to go over it, will become stronger with each risk, building muscle and confidence with every obstacle.

I don’t know about you guys, but I sure didn’t want to spread my first million over a period of 29 years. I took the shorter path. Really all it is, is the ability to take a risk. The risk in this business opportunity is not whether it works or not, but instead, a risk in whether or not you will work. That is the only risk there is. If you will work and make it happen, welcome to the shorter path. I look forward to working with you and seeing your tremendous success!

You Choose: Coupons or Wealth

April 1st, 2009

couponsWe have all heard of the common phrase: “For wherever your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” It’s a simple theory really. Whatever you value as most important in your life will get the most attention and most likely, come to pass. So with that said, I think it is very important to know what our treasure is and where our hearts will be. So we must choose consciously and wisely.

Here is a very simple way to know where your treasure lies: Look around you! Look at your lifestyle, your family life, your income, your possessions, your job, your decisions and all that surrounds you. So far, that is where your heart has been.

Now, this mindset thing is very important in obtaining your treasure. Fact: Knowledge is power, or energy. Thoughts are energy. So I think it’s safe to say that if you focus enough thought energy toward one thing, eventually, your heart will take the action to get it. So what we think about is vital in obtaining the treasure, the lifestyle, the income, the job or whatever it is you desire.

Choose: Coupons or Wealth

Here is an example of how simple this really is: When you do your shopping, do you take coupons? Do you look at the price of everything you buy and always choose the cheaper version regardless of quality? Are you most concerned with pinching pennies and saving a buck here and there? Does it hurt to spend money, if you know what I mean? Do you try to spend as little as possible during your trips to the store or do you just get what you want, or need I should say? Or do you really get what you want?

If these are the things you do, your thoughts are focusing on the lack thereof instead of prosperity and abundance. When all of your thought energy is focused on saving, lower prices, spending little, low quality, fear of spending, and pinching every single penny, that is exactly what you will get. You will always have just enough money to get what you need and will have a lack thereof in your bank account. Pinching pennies can be seriously damaging to your mindset and thus be reflected in your income, effecting your lifestyle, causing you to stay in this poverty game of saving a few bucks.

Is it really worth the effort? Is sacrificing your mindset honestly worth a few bucks here and there? In the big picture, it will kill your prosperity and success. Don’t do it. It is so much easier just to get what you want. Ignore the prices. Ten cents here or there will not matter to your bank account, but will to your mindset.

Every thought and every ounce of thought energy should go towards making more and thriving? Imagine if you spent more time thinking about prosperity than you did on saving at the grocery store. What and where would your treasure be then? Think about it!

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