Site Speed Influences Google Adsense Revenue

July 10th, 2012

Site SpeedAs an internet entrepreneur, it’s good to know a little bit about everything related to your niche. Just as long as it doesn’t detract from your primary business. Believe me, it can and will if you let it.

So for me, I run a home based business, and in doing, I have to be able to promote my business. And since I don’t really enjoy marketing to folks in my local area, B.F.E Arizona, I turn to promoting my business online. So I choose to know a little about SEO, website design, graphic design, email marketing, CPC and other areas of online marketing that pertain to my business. Am I an expert in all of those areas, nope. But I know enough to be dangerous.

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3 Ways To Make Money Online Outside of Your Home Based Business

August 29th, 2011

One of the biggest mistakes any home based business entrepreneur can make is to put all your eggs into one basket. What I mean by that, is only having one source of income. My intention isn’t to scare you into thinking that the opportunity you are with is going to shut down tomorrow, but what if? It’s better to be prepared than not.

Without taking too much focus and attention away from your main business, there are ways to make money online outside of your primary home based business choice.

I’ve compiled a list of three ways to make money in addition to your home based business. Some are links, some aren’t. Enjoy and feel free to suggest more ideas to add to the list. Read the rest of this entry »

A Quick Way to Double Your Adsense Revenue

August 12th, 2011

This is just a quick post to show you how to double your Adsense revenue on your site or blog. It’s simply a mixture of the type of ads your audience would respond to and the location of the ads.Types of ads would be images or text ads.

I Added a New Sidebar

I just recently started using Adsense on this blog again and wasn’t getting terrific results until I moved them. They used to be on the right side of this post, in the sidebar. Well, in doing my research, most people gravitate to the left side of the blog and are more likely to click on something there. So I added another sidebar to the left of my blog and put an image ad there that is 160×600.

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