A Knights Tale – Can You Change Your Stars?

January 29th, 2009

Change your starsI am just a movie nut! I love movies. I don’t care much for the TV series type of shows but do enjoy a good action flick or a comedy from time to time. Netflix loves me!

A Knights Tale – Can You Change Your Stars?

Have you ever seen the movie “A Knights Tale” with Heath Ledger? Such a good show. It mixes the old with the new and has a pretty cool twist to it. But I am not writing this to be a critic, instead I would like to point something out that can be of great use. In the movie, Heath Ledger or William, is a commoner. Or in other words, or modern day terms, someone who is average. His Father wanted more for him in life instead of what little he could give him. So he sent him away with a Knight to learn as much as he possibly could and that one day, just maybe, he might be able to “change his stars” and find his way home!

So let’s take a closer look at what “changing your stars” means. Take a look around you. Especially if you have a job, take a look around you at the people you work with. How many people in the world are just like them? I would say that 90% of them. So I guess we could make a comparison to them and William. Just regular people. Each one is special and unique and has a ton of potential, but living common or average. Why? That’s just the way things are, right? Well, William wasn’t content with that. He knew in his heart that he was a knight and he did everything in his power to act the part, play the part, and be the part until one day, he was knighted by the prince of England. He was knighted because of his will and ambition to be a knight. To him, he was not average. Being average would be selling himself short and never reaching his full potential.

So he “changed his stars.” He became something that most people thought could never happen. Why? Because he believed in himself and because he believed in himself, he had people who would do anything for him and would follow him to the end. He was a leader.

What would this world be like if everyone was just average? You would get a boring, poverty stricken world with very little hope. The world needs people like William….people that strive to become all that they are made to be. The world deserves people like that.

Did my family and friends ridicule me for my decision to start a home based business? Absolutely! Why? They did it because they just didn’t believe that it could happen. They didn’t believe that a commoner such as myself, coming from a family line of commoners, could actually create a ton of success in a home business.Well, I have “changed the stars” for my family line from this time forward. Anything is possible.

There are always 99 out of 100 people that will tell you that you can’t. But the only opinion that matters is the 100th one….and that is YOU! Change your stars! Become great.

Team Hoyt

December 14th, 2008

If you have never heard of Rick and Dick Hoyt, allow me to be the first to introduce you to this amazing duo! The first time I was exposed to this Father and son was at a conference my wife and I attended in Hawaii. Rick was born with cerebral palsy and has been disabled in the worlds eyes every since, but if asked, I think he would have a different story to tell. In his mind, he is perfectly capable of anything. His Dad, Dick, has assisted him in realizing his dreams!

They are also known as Team Hoyt. Check out their video!


I Am The Best!

December 11th, 2008

That’s right! You read the title right. I am the best of the best and I only work with the best of the best. I am a leader and a top income earner in the Home Based Business Industry. I consider myself a Guru in my niche and have helped many, many people in achieving the income of their dreams! I am an expert Internet Marketer and people are drawn to me, my products and my opportunity because I am wildly successful. I represent one thing and one thing only, RESULTS! I am not aspiring to be great, I am great and am lifting others into greatness. I know the secrets to success, I have the golden dust and the mindset of an extremely successful Entrepreneur!

Anyone who is looking for those same things deserves to speak with me. I consider it a privilege for others to speak with me for only just a few minutes because of the value I offer. I thrive on giving value to others and then seeing them succeed with it!

I am the BEST!

Now, the lesson:

“I will never out-perform my own self-image.” This is how I view my value. This is the man who is successful and who I am being.

How do you view yourself? Who are you being? How do others view you? How do you allow others to view you and treat you? Are you successful in your own mind? Do you believe in yourself?

If you don’t think the world of yourself, then who else will?

YOU are the BEST…..Just like me!

Inspirational Quotes from Batman Begins!

December 3rd, 2008

Who says that watching TV is good for nothing? I guess it really depends on your mindset at the time you are watching TV. Believe me, I love action flicks just like the next guy and that is what I watch most of the time, but there are often lines within these movies that resonate with me. Being involved in the personal development industry, I pick up on lines that others might not think of as such a big deal.

So I was watching Batman Begins the other day for probably the 20th time, and two lines from the movie jumped out at me!

  1. “Why do we fall? So we can pick ourselves back up.”
  2. “It’s not who you are underneath…It’s what you do that defines you!”

If you remember, Bruce Waynes Father used to tell him the first quote. Rachel, the supposed girlfriend, shared the second quote with Bruce as he was walking out of a restaurant with a few ladies after taking a dip in their fountain.

“Why do we fall? So we can pick ourselves back up.” It is human nature to fall, but also human nature to get back up and in the process, we grow, we get stronger and we learn to adapt. When walking down the street you happen to trip and fall, sure it’s a little embarrassing and it may hurt a little, but you pick yourself back up and move on. The pain and embarrassment are temporary and will go away. It is amazing to me that some people will burro down inside that moment and allow it to influence their entire lives, careers, relationships, etc. No single event will ever influence the outcome of your life. Your life’s success is determined by many events, whether successful or not, that is up to you!

“It’s not who you are underneath…It’s what you do that defines you!” So if I think I am a leader, people will automatically follow me? If I think I am a millionaire, I am? I feel like I am a good person, why can’t others see it? So many of us probably view ourselves differently than the rest of the world views us. I think I am the best basketball player in the state of Arizona, but do my actions on the court support that? I want to help so many people and I pray for that every day but have I actually taken a meal to someone in need or offered shelter to someone without it?

There is a huge gap between knowing and doing. Sure, you can know that you are a great and giving person, but until you actually do something to show that, it is all worthless. Too many people think rather than do. Your true greatness will remain underneath if you don’t do something to define it!

“Keep Moving Forward” – Walt Disney

October 23rd, 2007

I am constantly inspired by individuals who have accomplished great things. I’m not only inspired by what they have done, but who they are and who they inspire others to become. People who are in the spotlight because of success, fame, or wealth have so much influence in those around them just by the smallest things they say. As a person, you will never know how the things you do today will effect those you come in contact with during your lifetime and even well after. The smallest groups of people have changed the world!

There is nothing I love more than assisting people in achieving their dreams. With this business opportunity I have the ability to do that. I speak with so many people who are missing out on their own lives and are looking for a way to take it back. Fathers are barely around enough to see their kids, mothers having to work too soon after the birth of her child, families living in poverty or struggling day to day just to make the bills, left with no hope for the future except for a small social security retirement plan. People are so supresses that their only hope of long and wealthy life is through the lottery retirement plan. I have the ability to assist people in realizing their own greatness through this business opportunity, because it has assisted me in realizing mine…and it is so much greater than working a 9 to 5!

What if, for a moment, you were a person with great influence for good, wealthy beyond measure, and capable of achieving anything you put your mind to? What would you do with your time? How would you spend your wealth? Who would you have an influence on? Who would you be?

Now, picture yourself working 9 to 5 for someone else or trapped in a business without the ability to inspire others. That, my friend, is not your potential! I believe that everyone is great, they just don’t realize it yet, and can change the world.

Walt Disney, Michael Jordan, Abraham Lincoln, were no different than you or I. They just had a vision, and acted on their vision.

“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” ~Walt Disney~

Our Deepest Fear is that we are Powerful!

September 18th, 2007

I just watched the movie ‘Coach Carter’ the other night. Good show! I could pick a ton of things in that movie that deal directly with this business opportunity and success in general. For example, the Principle of Redmond High School didn’t have very high expectations of her kids. The odds of graduation were below 50%. Kids and Adults alike perform to the extent they are expected to. In this home business, if I expected doubt, insecurity, and failure from the individuals I mentor, that is exactly what I would get. I expect power, confidence, leadership, and success from those I mentor and in turn, I get it. You respect those who expect the most out of you!

Very good movie. Watch it when you get the chance. Here is a quote from the movie…enjoy.

Our biggest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant,
or gorgeous
or talented
or fabulous?

Actually, who are you NOT to be?
You are a child of God.
You playing small doesn’t serve the world.
There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.

It’s not just in some of us; it’s in every one of us.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our fear of our own excellence,
our presence automatically liberates others.
And excellence becomes the standard of all our lives.

~A Return to Love, by Marianne Williamson~

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