My Commitment to Blog Six Days a Week Starts Today!

September 21st, 2012

For those of us who have been in the blog world for anything longer than a day, we know what it takes to receive the kind of traffic we all covet. However, why don’t we do it?

Starting today, Sept. 21st 2012, I am committing to post a new, unique blog post six days out of the week. I can’t always guarantee that you’ll always love my content, but hey, that’s what blogs are all about, right? It’s about sharing a little bit about you….your hopes, desires, pet peeves, goals and so forth.

What I realized early on in my blogging career is that people respond to people. They want to know that there is a real person on the other end of the content who they can relate to and communicate with.

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Marketing a Home Based Business – Expand or Die

September 17th, 2012

Expand or DieIn the home business industry,success is all about generating leads, plugging those leads into a system or prospecting those leads. Without leads, or people to talk to, your business is dead where it stands. We all know that.

However, it’s amazing to me to see so many new people sitting in lead poverty, or the absence of leads! I mean, if you want to see true insanity, watch a failing home based business owner. Chances are, they’re still posting that same ad on Craigslist, in the same city and section as they did when they started their business. And it still isn’t producing any leads, yet, they continue because that’s all they know how to do. They’re hoping for different results by doing the same things over and over. Why, because it’s comfortable. They know how to do it.

Don’t Get Caught Using Marketing that Doesn’t Work!

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Living Paycheck to Paycheck Sucks!

September 14th, 2012

Living Paycheck to PaycheckIt’s Monday, you just put gas in your car and need to pick up some groceries. In order to do this, you decide to put only ten bucks in the tank instead of just filling it up so that you’ll have enough left over to buy the groceries. When you return home from shopping, checking your bank account shows a balance of $25.

Pay day isn’t until Friday…..

Sounding familiar? Living paycheck to paycheck.

How about another one?

It’s been over a year since you’ve left town for anything other than work reasons. Your social life stinks because when you’re invited out for dinner and a movie by friends or family, you have to turn them down. You’re lucky if you eat out at a restaurant at all during a months time. However, as a nice gesture, instead of letting you off the hook, they offer to pay for your dinner. As if you didn’t already feel low enough, to avoid letting the cat out of the bag, you make up some other clever excuse as to why you can’t go out.

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Zeek Rewards Shuts Down. Now What?

September 10th, 2012

Zeek Rewards Shuts DownIf you were one of the many who were affected by the shut down of Zeek Rewards, you’re probably wondering what the heck happened. And to be honest with you, I really have no idea what happened. However, I do know this…..I know that there are people in this world who consider it their personal responsibility, to destroy the network marketing industry.

If you’ve ever been to a network marketing complaint forum, you’ll find full time idiots on there who bounce around from one topic to the next, just trying to suck you into an argument.

It seems that these people have nothing else to do, and some of these guys make a good living out of it. What a world, right? If I see an opportunity to gain by suing you or shutting down your company, it’s all good!

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What are Income Producing Activites?

September 7th, 2012

Income Producing ActivitiesIf you’re someone who has ever been involved with network marketing, you’ve probably heard someone on a training call tell you about “income producing activities.” And along with that, they gave you the understanding that if you didn’t focus primarily on doing those activities, over everything else, then your business would fail miserably.

Absolutely true! As entrepreneurs, we want to keep ourselves busily engaged in activities that will grow our business. In doing so, it’s imperative that we’re conscious of which activities are actually helping our business progress instead of restricting it.

Now you might be saying, “What in the heck are you talking about Dave? That makes no sense at all!” I would tell you that you might be right, BUT, I can explain myself a bit here. So bear with me.

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