The four W’s of this business!

February 16th, 2007

I am here to help those who can help themselves. I am not here to carry the world on my shoulders and hold hands with needy people. We all have needs. But what separates the ones that get what they need and the ones that don’t, is will power to do so. I only mentor leaders and in the process of looking for the great ones, I have to sort through the ones that aren’t willing to make decisions or who aren’t ready.

There is a saying and is known as the four W’s. Some Will, some Won’t, so What, someone is Waiting. Not to say that I don’t care if someone is successful or unhappy. But I can not wait around until someone is ready to help themselves by moving forward in their lives with confidence and ambition. I present an opportunity to qualified individuals who are ready for a change. If you are reading through my website right now then something in your life, career, family, etc is not going as planned. Something needs to change or add to what you are currently doing. And you know what, you won’t make that change until you are so sick and tired. Sick of living a life of mediocrity.

So, if you feel you are a strong willed, ambitious leader, then you deserve to take a look at this business, get started and begin living a life of abundance and prosperity.

The Law of Attraction and Be-Do-Have!

February 14th, 2007

The Law of attraction and the Be-Do-Have (BHD) principle are as close as you can get to being one and the same concept. The law of attraction, of course, is the art of attracting the things you want in your life by your thoughts and actions. It is a force that is in existence whether believed in or not. What you put your focus and energy to eventually materializes or presents itself with an opportunity. What you think about, happens.

Be the person you want to be, do the things they would do, and have the things that person would have. The most important step is the first. Too many people try to do this principle in reverse. It does not work out that way. I once heard a quote and I will attempt to paraphrase it: I pity the man who became a millionaire but wasn’t one already. A man who is given a dollar, and turns that dollar into profit, is the one who has this process in order.

Thus, in order to be the person you intend to be, it must first begin with you. You must change your thought process to the way you must think to get your desired goal. When you put enough of your focus and energy toward what you want, you will take the actions to get it and then eventually have it.

What drives you? Fear or Passion?

February 13th, 2007

Have you ever know someone in your life who was driven by fear in all of their decision making? When faced with an important decision the thought of what might go wrong is the main factor in whether or not they move forward? Most people are just like that. Instead of seeing the great amounts of success they could have or the happiness that would derive from succeeding or making a good, solid choice in the direction of their dreams, they choose to submit to fear. They allow this fear to keep them from their happiness. These people don’t even know it, but they are living life in fear. They fear consequence. Taking responsibility for their own actions is hard.

There is no degree of success that has ever been achieved without the possibility of failure. Failing is not the end of the world. It is an attempt at something great. The only difference between the ones who succeed and the ones who fail is what they do after they fail. They have two options, lay down and stay defeated. Or, try again until success! Abraham Lincoln failed at many attempts to be elected in different political offices throughout his career until he was finally elected President of the Unites States.

Someone who is passion driven will have an unmeasurable amount of success. Decision making and going forward without fear is something that comes easy when you are driven by your dreams. Failure will come more often to those who are driven by fear. That emotion is always lingering in the subconscious, waiting to take control. Don’t allow it. Look forward with confidence and make decisions based on what you want in your heart, not what logic tells you. Logic will not allow you to live your dreams.

Fear is just a frame of mind. Passion radiates from every member of the body and is far more powerful. Live a life of abundance that is fueled by your passion.

Indecision is still a decision!

February 10th, 2007

A little over a year ago my wife and I decided to jump out of a perfectly good airplane at 13,000 ft. But before we did so we had to fill out about 20 different forms basically stating this: “Even though it may be a perfect day, all equipment works properly, your tandem partner is not suicidal, the plane works fine, things are going great, you still may die! And you do this on your own free will.” It is just like saying, yes, I am willing to die today. So off we went until we reached the point of no return…..the part where you jump.

I can tell you, it was a blast! I loved every minute of it. But, a few minutes into the jump I was faced with a very important decision. That decision was whether or not to pull the cord. Now, did I pull it? I typing this right? The obvious answer to this question is to pull the cord unless your head is not right and you are thinking other-wise. Choosing not to make a decision, whether you choose to pull the cord or not, is still a decision. You are going SPLAT!

Now, at first you may think that indecision in life isn’t nearly as fatal, but in business as well as life, it is. I would say that almost 90% of people who fail, do so by indecision. If you are to create any amount of change in your life, it takes action. You must make a choice and come to a decision that will lead you forward. In business and in life there is only forward or backward. There is no such thing as standing still. Successful people make decisions quickly and change their minds slowly. That is where conviction, confidence and determination come in.

Reboot your computer!

February 7th, 2007

The greatest computer ever created lies within each of us. It is always on, connected to the the internet, and networked. The brain is the most complex, yet, least used computer that is in existence. We use only a fraction of it’s full potential. Imagine what we could accomplish if we accessed and used the whole brain. The world would be changed and would become a completely different place.

As children we used our brains very well. We were creative, passionate, we had many dreams and ambitions. We could be anywhere at anytime as long as we could think it up. There wasn’t a single doubt in our minds of what we could become. A dream was a reality. Whatever existed “Once upon a time” was an everyday thing.

Somewhere along the time line of growing up, our computers began to get viruses, adware and spyware. The viruses began to slowly distort and slow down. The spyware and adware effected our view on things and controlled what we were exposed to. Our computers became messed up and pretty much useless. They were operating on foreign programs instead of the ones that were installed in the beginning.

You know what? A good portion of the world is barely operating. Their computers are bogged down with so much junk that they are barely able to think for themselves. It is time to install an anti-virus program, remove all the crap, and reboot. The anti-virus is personal development. Personal Development is the cure for any limiting belief or operating malfunction. It is creating millionaires every day in this world and will continue to do so. In order to experience any significant change in life, it must begin from within.

I am involved in a business that is on it’s way to becoming a trade mark in the Personal Development Industry. In this business, as you improve yourself, your bank account also improves.

What’s more important? Money or Time?

February 6th, 2007

I guess a lot of it depends on the person. Some enjoy making money more than they do having time and with others it is the exact opposite. They could care less about money as long as they have the time to do what they want. In my mind, the obvious answer is time. Time is always more important. You can always get more money….but you can’t ever get more time. You have a specific amount of time that you are here on this earth in existence. Now what are you doing with it?

Is it possible to have both, time and money? What would life be like then? Perfect? It is always said that money will not make you happy. I agree on that 100%. The only thing that can make you happy is you. But money sure is a helpful tool in having that ideal life. All those vacations you dream of, that car, the house, the kids, all cost money. You must first become happy, then use money to make those dreams become a reality.

Rich people use money to buy time. They realize two things, time = money, and that, money = time. Money has serious leverage in whether or not you are doing what you want to with your time. Do you really want to be at work making a wage? What do you want to do with your time. There are only 24 hours in a day. Who owns those hours and that day? You do! Not your boss, your brother, sister, mother. You own every second of your day and what you do with that is up to you. If you are going in to work tomorrow, it is because you choose to. Use your creative power and create your life the way you want it. It’s that simple.

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