Golf. Why I Love It and Why You Should!

April 29th, 2014 | Comments Off on Golf. Why I Love It and Why You Should! |

GolfThroughout my childhood I watched my Dad walk out the door with his golf clubs, headed to an upcoming golf tournament or a simple outing with his buddies. He would be gone for the entire day and on returning home, seemed to have a sense of contentment. Only on one occasion did he ever ask me to go with him, but even then, he still didn’t invite me to play the game of golf with him. Sure, I was a recipient of the free meal, but had to simply watch him play.

My Dad grew up in an area where the school system offered golf as a sport. As for the school I attended, besides football, basketball and track, we had tennis. There’s no way we could have had a golf team. The nearest g0lf course was about an hour away! The only golf I played while in my youth was the great game of mini-golf.

I actually didn’t play my first round of golf until I was married with children! Maybe because I hadn’t actually owned my own set of clubs until then. Heck, if I would have known that I could have picked up a nice set from the nearest yard sale, I might have purchased some much sooner!

Why I Love the Game of Golf and Why You Should Too

First off, it’s extremely relaxing.

I don’t know how you like to golf, but me, I’m a golf cart kind of guy. Don’t get me wrong, if I have to, I’ll walk. Heck, I’ll even ditch the pull cart and lug my clubs up and down the fairways. My first set of clubs had a golf bag without a kickstand. So the bag I have now I consider a luxury.

My point is, there’s nothing like a cool breeze in your face, nice green grass, lakes, ponds, streams, fountains and water falls all around you, all while you hang out with your buddies. It’s just a great escape from everything else in the world, even if you have to walk it.

Second, it’s a perfect time to reflect, and brainstorm.

I’m the kind of guy that is a serial entrepreneur. I’m constantly thinking up ideas, new business plans or ways to grow or improve my current business ventures. In addition to that, I’m able to bounce ideas off those I golf with, which are normally people I trust and respect.

If I had employees or business partners, it would be a perfect place to discuss the future of our company. Plus, it’s a tax deductible expense!

And Third, it’s a sport I can play until I’m old and gray!

When the years start adding up, as long as I am able to walk from the golf cart to the ball, I’ll still be playing the sport of golf. And although I may not be able to hit if as far as I used to, I know that it will be straight. At least I hope it would be after 50 years or more of practice!

If I don’t own a home directly on a golf course, I’ll most likely live somewhere like Devonshire at PGA National, where I won’t have to worry about my landscaping and can just enjoy retired life!

In conclusion, golf isn’t for everybody, and depending on where you live, it can be an expensive sport. Even though I may golf fifteen over par today and lose more balls in the water than I can count, I’ll hit one or two shots that will motivate me to come back again and again. Sometimes it’s not the score that matters, it’s where you are and who you’re with.

David Allred is the author and creator of CFW. David has been teaching entrepreneur minded people how to earn a full time income working from the comfort of home for nearly a decade.

Think about it. Never miss your kids’ events, set your own schedule, choose your own income and enjoy a lifestyle and income which most people only drool over!

Be sure to connect with David Allred on Google+, Facebook and everywhere else!

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