Your 30 Second Commercial

July 12th, 2011

One of the most important parts of your ability to succeed in a home based business is found in the way you present your opportunity to others. There are hundreds of different ways to market and promote your business online and offline, but what I have found is that one of the most effective ways is simply living your life on film. I can’t tell you how much success I have had because I choose to whip out my video camera every once in a while.

My wife and I have shot videos in some pretty crazy places and turned them into a 30 second commercial for our home based business. One of the craziest ones we have done was on the steps of the Pantheon in Rome, Italy singing, “The Lion Sleeps Tonight.” No matter where you are or what you’re doing, someone is going to relate to it, and probably even envy you for being there and doing what you’re doing because they’re stuck behind a desk at that very moment.

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Singing “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” in Rome Italy!

July 11th, 2011

When you work from home, sometimes you find yourself venturing into things online that are basically time fillers. You may think you’re keeping busy all day, but really, you only truly worked part of the day and messed around the rest of the time. Well, today was one of those days for me.

I was watching some of my old YouTube videos and found this one. Some times it’s hard for me to even watch myself because I’m such a dork. But to give you a background…back in high school, we had a fund raising beauty pageant. But this was a special beauty pageant. The guys were going to do this one, dressed up like girls….and I was part of it. They picked on all of us jocks! And of course, in a beauty pageant, you have to have a talent. So I partnered up with my buddy Danny Hawman and sang, “The Lion Sleeps Tonight.” We killed it. We didn’t win, but we rocked that auditorium!

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