What I Am?

September 28th, 2010

Great video and great message for your kids!



Johnny Cash – Hurt

September 18th, 2010

If you haven’t truly listened, not just heard, but listened to this song from Johnny Cash, do it……and whatever success you strive after in this life…..don’t be that guy! Achieve your dreams without losing yourself.

[audio:http://www.createfinancialwealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/johnnycash.mp3|titles=Johnny Cash – Hurt]Johnny Cash - Hurt

The Abyss of All That You Don’t Know

September 15th, 2010

Quick question for you…..

Have you ever had an idea that you knew would be great, but never really got it off the ground? In your mind, you could see the beginning and the end but everything in between seemed to be missing?

Maybe this idea was an idea for a new business venture. You went as far as choosing the perfect business name, secured the domain name and started investing in a website, but didn’t get much further than that.

In my opinion, the easiest part of starting a successful business, online or offline, is coming up with the idea. Anybody and everybody has ideas. Great ideas! But success is located just on the other side of the “abyss of all that you don’t know.” Standing in your way of the end result that you can envision so clearly is……well….quite frankly, you don’t know!

How do you overcome something that doesn’t even exist yet. How does one go from point “A,” the idea, to point “Z,” the end result, being stuck on point “D” and not knowing the rest of the alphabet. It’s like listening to a two year old sing the ABC’s….”L-M-N-O-P” is more like a severely slurred, non existing word called “elimenope.” (If the kid is good!)

Point “Q” might be the cost of the product or service and point “F” might be all the details of what the product or service is. With “S” being the marketing details, there is a lot of ground to cover before “Y” and “Z” can be realized.

Now, if bringing your idea to fruition was as easy as assigning each step a letter, then there would be a lot more successful people in the world. The great abyss of all that you don’t know wouldn’t set claim on so many aspiring entrepreneurs.

So let’s have this conversation over the next few posts. Let’s see if we can somewhat erase the abyss…or at least build a suspension bridge to make crossing it a bit easier.

Donate to Save Valerie

September 3rd, 2010

Aguinaga FamilyValerie Aguinaga ,  is an amazing, young mom of four and has been diagnosed with Stage 2 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.  To avoid the devastating and less effective methods of chemotherapy, they are asking for help in raising enough funds to get a more proven, effective method of treatment. Since their insurance won’t cover the costs of treatment, please help her by spreading the word to your friends or by donating  $10, $20, or even $50 if you can.

Please, be the change you wish to see in the world! Let’s help out this deserving family. Thanks a ton!

Donate by clicking HERE!