Play More!

May 30th, 2009

I have to apologize to my readers this week. I have literally had no time to blog and my excuse, I have been playing too much! Out of the last 5 work days, I have put in a total of 10-15 hours of work. The rest of the time, I have been out with my family. It feels like I have been having a Memorial Day Weekend for the entire last week.

The crazy thing is, 3 hours a day is what I usually work. Blogging is extra and a way for me to share my knowledge of Entrepreneurship and Personal Development with those who are looking to learn and improve. As we all know, the teacher ALWAYS learns more than the student. If you have never had a blog before, try it for a month. Start a blog about your desired topic and just throw your thoughts onto it. You will be surprised at how much you grow!

The point I would like to make is to PLAY MORE! What I mean by that is just get out with your kids and throw the Frisbee or play catch. Ride your bikes around the block or down the street. Help your daughter set up her Barbie house. Have a pillow fight, play with your dog, go on a hike, take your family fishing or just play the Wii. These are a few of the things we did this week and have had a blast the entire time. Our next activity is to buy a canoe and explore all the lakes we have in the Payson area, which, will take some time. There are a ton. This summer we have a 3 week trip planned for Hawaii, a weekend in Colorado, and a trip to Disney Land.

Most of the things we do are done in the middle of the week while mostly everyone else is at work. I love what I do. I teach people how to live my life, how to have more than enough time to play and how to teach others how to do the same thing. If you ever come across something that says home based business opportunities are not for real, understand that you are reading something that a faithful lifetime employee probably wrote or someone that quit before they reached their dream lifestyle.

Find the time to PLAY MORE! Whether you are a business owner or an employee, you will be happier, more successful and will live longer if you have more fun.

If you’d like to make money while you play, like me, fill out the form after this post and contact me right away. It’s all about lifestyle!

There is No “Something Else”

May 27th, 2009

What if I told you that if you could learn just one simple principle, you would be able to create success in everything and anything you decided to do? What if, by applying this one principle, you could take an average income and turn it into an exceptional income. With this one principle, or concept, small things become great. This one key principle is a key attribute in developing true leadership. People will follow you because of it.

Now, what if I told you this one principle was something simple, like Persistence? Well, it is. Persistence is the key principle to succeeding at any endeavor. Do it long enough, with passion and you will succeed. In my business opportunity, there are three key ingredients to be persistent at…..

  • Placing Ads
  • Calling the people who respond to those ads
  • Providing details for them to review
  • Collecting checks

I know! It sounds like a tough work schedule right?! Now you know why this is a part time business. However, the checks range from $1,000 to $8,000. Part time hours in this business definitely does not mean part time income, but the moment that I stop being persistent and consistent in any four of those areas, my business will start to falter. If I place an ad that results in a poor response, I place another ad. I am persistently working towards my goal. My goal is to maintain my lifestyle of working from home and making the income I deserve. So one failed ad holds little weight in the total outcome because I am persistently moving towards it regardless of the obstacles.

The definition of being persistent is: to go on resolutely or stubbornly in spite of opposition, importunity, or warning!

And believe me, there will be opposition, importunity and warning in every endeavor. Where would the fun be in doing it if there wasn’t?


Kids are very good at this. What does a child do when he or she is hungry? They keep asking you, and asking you, and asking you, until what? They ask you until they get what they want, food! So how many ads will I place before I get what I want? The answer……As many as it takes!

But here’s the secret. This whole persistence thing cannot be mixed with indecision! Repeated, persistence cannot be mixed with indecision. Translation, when you start a business, be persistent in that business. Take the mindset of “There is no other option,” cutting off all other possibilities other than the one you are in. Cut yourself off from any other possible outcome other than the one you desire. Be set on one thing, one outcome, and do whatever it takes, as long as it takes to get that one thing. Jumping from one thing to the next, even if your intentions are to be persistent, is actually being resistant. Persistence works the best when focused on one thing. Simply put, STAY PUT!

Learn it! Use it and live the life of your dreams!

Sizzling Summer Sales Contest

May 26th, 2009

Starting on the 15th of May, this business opportunity is holding a summer sales contest ending September of this year. The Summer months are going to be on fire! The sales are going to be through the roof and as a direct result, so is income!

So here’s how it works, you of course must be part of this opportunity. For more information on how to do that, fill out any of the contact forms on the website and request an interview. I will contact you for a brief conversation. Once an associate, there are two different ways to win. Prizes are awarded to the top seven producers in sales and also the top seven producers in income. Here are the prizes:


Top 7 Income Earner Grand Prize: BMW Z4 Roadster


Top 7 Beyond Freedom Producer Grand Prize: Sony Bravia XBR 52″ LCD TV

Those who place in positions 2 – 7 receive the same prize in each category. Here they are:


MacBook Pro

MacBook Air


Canon Vixia HF S10 Digital Camcorder

Canon SD990 IS Digital Camera

Apple 32GB iPod Touch

Sony 9″ Digital Photo Frame DPF V900

So we have some pretty cool prizes lined out for the top producers in each category. The prizes will be given out at a conference being held in Puerto Rico in the month of October and you must be present in Puerto Rico to receive an award.

Now I know the prizes seem enticing enough right? Well, imagine the financial reward gained from winning one of these prizes. What is the income of the grand prize winners going to look like when it’s all said and done? Now I am just guessing here, but I imagine the top income earner would be somewhere in the $200k-$300k range. Winning the BMW is just a perk when you are pulling in that kind of cash.

Now let me tell you this, a person who isn’t even involved in this contest has just as much potential to win as anybody, including myself, who has been in this business for years. It’s an equal playing field. So what do you say? Want in?

Discouragement – Enemy to Success

May 21st, 2009

discouragementIf I told you that your life was to be without discouragement, I would be flat out lying to you. Discouragement is a simple part of life. It can creep in when you least expect it to and if allowed to take over, will destroy whatever it is you are trying to do.

Discouragement is an enemy to success

So what do we know about discouragement? Let’s break down the actual word: Dis-Courage-Ment. So we see the word “Courage” in the middle there. Is it safe to say that the meaning of the word is to be without courage? I read a quote the other day that said: “Discouragement is not the absence of adequacy but the absence of courage.” Meaning, it’s not that a discouraged person is unable to complete the task at hand, it’s just a brief moment of having the lack of courage to move forward. Now I used the word “Brief” for a reason. As I look back in my career as a Home Business Entrepreneur, even my most discouraging times were very short. Why? Because I quickly regain my whits, or courage, and move forward.

Ponder on this a bit. How close do you think discouragement and failure is to success? Obviously they are very different, but what is the connection there? Do they have anything to do with each other? The answer is YES! They do! Discouragement, if allowed to take control, can result in failure. But, both failure and discouragement are stepping stones on the path to success. Without expecting yourself to get discouraged or to fail, you must also realize that it’s all part of the process. Don’t ever think that you are the only one that has ever felt like things just weren’t going to happen for you. Everybody has had those feelings sometime or the other and it’s simply because they lost their courage for a brief moment. Once that courage is found, you feel even more powerful and more energized than before. I sometimes think that everyone should experience it, so that they know how powerful they really are.

Here’s a quote that fits perfectly:

Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragement, and impossibilities: It is this that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak.” -Thomas Carlyle

Hint: The way to overcome discouragement, is by planning to, before it comes. In other words, development such a strong work habit, which will build an external toughness, that will get you through any temporary, internal discouragement. Set yourself up to win when the rough times come, but never expect them to. If you set yourself up to win, you will!

Can, Can’t, Will or Try

May 20th, 2009

In previous posts I have written a little about empowering language and how it effects your results in life. I last wrote about profanity and how disempowering it is to use it, much less be on the receiving end of it. If you really think about the times profanity is used the most, it is when people are frustrated, angry, lost, offended, scared or intimidated. Which of those feelings do you wish to operate in regularly? None I hope! Normally, when someone is happy, feeling ambitious, on top of the world, full of joy and otherwise successful, profanity is seldom to be found.

Let’s take a look at four simple words and how to improve your language by not using two of them:

  • Can
  • Can’t
  • Will
  • Try

How many times, for you parents, do you hear your children say, “I can’t” during the day? I know for us, it used to be a regular part of their vocabulary. We had to nip it in the bud quickly because if it stays there, it can have a huge effect on their accomplishments throughout their lifetime.

Instead of stating what you can’t do, simply state what you can do. “Can” is brought forth by action, “can’t” is merely saying you won’t or that you don’t believe you can. Now we all know that the more you repeat something in your mind, the more it tends to stick. If you don’t believe that, you’re in for a rude awakening one day. The more someone uses words like ‘can’t,’ the more it enters your mind and eventually, you won’t be able to do a lot of things because you have repetitively told your mind that you ‘can’t.’ Can you picture a person of action using ‘can’t’ very often?

Now, have you ever had a party at your home and invited some friends or family to come but when asked, they gave you the standard, “I’ll try?” I think we all have. Now what they’re really telling you is no. Saying that you will try to do something is basically saying that it is the last thing on your priority list. If there’s absolutely nothing else going on in the world that you can possibly do, then you will try to do this thing.

Really there should only be “will or won’t,” “yes or no.” Saying you “will” is a commitment. Saying you’ll “try” is avoiding a commitment.

Think of the most successful person you have ever known. Do you see them using ‘can’t’ or ‘try’ very often? Probably not. A persn of action CAN and WILL.

7 Things That Are Not Time Freedom?

May 18th, 2009

time_freedomI think there may be a little confusion as to what the term, “Time Freedom,” really is. So many people are seeking it, yet very few really find it. Time Freedom is a concept. It’s a lifestyle and so much more. It’s what allows Fathers to truly be a powerful influence in the lives of their children. It makes it possible for mothers to really and actually be the “Stay at home Mom!” It’s the freedom that allows you to persue your dreams, hobbies and ambitions without restraint. It is probably the most sought after thing in the world.

A lot of people associate Time Freedom with Financial Freedom. Financial Freedom can be obtained while taking all of your free time to obtain it. So many sacrifice their time freedom to get the financial freedom. On the flipside of the coin, a bum has all the time freedom in the world yet, no money! So you can have one without the other.

The big difference is, you can always get more money, but can never really get more time. The clock of life is ticking and when the batteries run out, our time to make a difference in this world is over. The ideal lifestyle is to have them both. Have the money and the time to enjoy it!

Here are a few things that are NOT Time Freedom, just to be clear:

  1. 2 weeks of paid vacation from your employer.
  2. Weekends off from your business or employer.
  3. Only having to work 40 hours a week.
  4. 2 or 3 hours in the evenings to devote to family time and hobbies.
  5. Summers off, as most teachers get.
  6. The ability to take a day off here or there or swap work days for a family event.
  7. Having Sick Days!

Now that there is zero confusion, time freedom is a very simple thing to define, and it means doing whatever you want, whenever you want, however you want, or just not doing it at all, if you don’t want. That’s it! True time freedom is being in complete control of your day. No boss to take orders from, no schedule to rule your day, no job to take you away from your true passions, no business that robs you of your personal life. It’s having complete and absolute control. If you wake up in the morning and feel like taking a drive out of town with your family, you do it. If you feel like not working at all that day, it’s your choice.

Now the trick is to be able to do all that you want to do, while still having the income flowing in. Wouldn’t it be great if there were a simple way to get them both, Time Freedom and Financial Freedom? If I knew the way, or at least one of the many ways, would you be interested to know? And once you found out how I do it, and thousands of others have done it, will you believe that it can happen for you?

That’s the key! Will you believe it can and will happen for you?

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