A Pine amongst the Junipers!

January 5th, 2008

Have you ever heard of the metaphor of the cows and Rhinos? Or maybe a more familiar term would be an employee or an entrepreneur? Whatever it might be, the comparison between the two is what i would like you to take a look at. What do cows do? They follow the leader, they stay within the fence, they graze all day and are content with that life. Rhinos on the other hand are the opposite, they are leaders, they stray away from the heard, they are independent, they are free and wild animals.

Employees are the same as cows in most circumstances. They are told what to do, kept within boundaries, follow the leader, and most of the time,feel they are stuck and may be content with that kind of a life. Entrepreneurs on the other hand, complete opposite. Anyway, you get the point. Cows may want to be Rhinos, but they can’t, because they are cows. People, on the other hand, are not creatures of habit. You can do whatever you want. That is what makes us special and unique.

Take a look at this picture. I would like to use this as an example of my point. Look at this Ponderosa Pine in the midst of pine-in-the-junipers.bmpall the Juniper trees. Do you see how the Pine is trying to fit in. It knows it should be growing huge and tall but wants to look like the rest of the trees it is surrounded with. So instead it is getting wider instead of taller like it should.

Now, look at the potential of the Ponderosa Pine. It is one of the largest trees in the forest. I have seen them grow to widths of 6-8 feet growing over 80 feet tall, yet, this one tree living amongst the Junipers is barely 30 ft tall. It goes to prove, if you hang around the Junipers, you will become a Juniper. If you hang around the Ponderosa Pines, you will reach your full potential. You become who you hang around with. If you desire to be wealthy and successful, hang around those that are wealthy and successful. It isn’t rocket science folks. Get out of the limiting environment you may be in, get into a business opportunity ponderosa.jpgand be mentored by those who are what you want to become. Start living your life the way you want to live it. Realize what your full potential is and take action.

Have a Happy and Prosperous New Year!

January 1st, 2008

Just a quick post to wish everyone a happy new year and assume that everyone had a blast last night! We spent the evening at the movie theater with just our family watching Alvin and the Chipmunks. Our kids barely made it through the movie and were passed out in the car before we were 5 minutes down the road. Slackers! No discipline. We had about 45minutes to wait once we arrived home, kissed each other and went to bed at aroun 12:30am. The important part, is that I have not worked since the Friday before Christmas eve. Through the holidays I have seen fathers and mothers alike having to go back to work during the holidays. I am just grateful that I have the option to choose for myself, being self-employed, whether or not to work. It is a great freedom that I will never take for granted.

So with this new year here, it important to set some lofty goals for myself and for my family. Of course, my goal is to make seven-figures by this time 2009. I intend on assisting as many like-minded entrepreneurs in doing the same as well. I had great success last year, received an award, assisted many people in this business, but it will not hold a candle to this years results. If you are ready for wealth, abundance, and freedom in your life, jump on the train. I am going places in this business and am determined to assist as many people in board as I possible can.

So, enjoy the day and Happy New Year to you all!

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