You Get What You Give Your Focus and Energy to!

January 15th, 2007

You may agree with me or not on this one but what you have right now in life is what you have given your focus and energy to. The fact of the matter is, whether you believe it or not, it is true. The Law of Attraction and the subconscious mind have no favorites. They are governed by rules of operation. They don’t know fact or fiction. They only thrive on what they are fed. What are you feeding them?

But to get to the point, what are you giving your focus to? And then again, what do you receive in return? Take a step back and take a look at your life. What don’t you like about your life? Some common answers are debt, bad relationship, poor, bad job……whatever. Now, once you establish what you don’t like, you will get clear about what you do like and want more of. Use the contrast of the things that are coming into your life that you don’t want….. to think of the exact opposite, or what you do want. So, instead of debt, focus on financial freedom. Instead of a bad relationship, focus on what relationship you do want. Instead of putting your focus and energy on what you don’t want, ask yourself what you do want. Make a list and find the contrast in your life. For every negative, there is a positive.

When is comes to having success as an entrepreneur, many focus on the want of more money. Now what do you think you will get? More WANT! You will continue to want more money. Your subconscious only hears one thing. I want more…….. It leaves out the money part. When you tell a child, “Don’t hang on the door,” what do they hear? This plays into their subconscious? “Hang on the door!” Now, think of what you do want. “Get off the door,” or “close the door.” If I tell you, “Do not think of a huge snow storm,” what did you do? You thought of it, right? Your subconscious leaves the first part out.

Focus on having the money, or the success and you will attract it. It is up to you to figure out how to train your mind to do that. I am in the business of helping ambitious entrepreneurs to do exactly this: To train your mind in harmony with the Law of Attraction to attract more of what you want. Our first product is more or less the application to allow you to train your mind. It teaches you to apply the Law of Attraction.

We live in a time where information is invaluable. It is everywhere but priceless. The information that I teach others is along these lines. Information in my business equals FREEDOM, financially and personally. So, learn how to train your mind to get what you want, help others get what they want, and you will get what you want.

Leaders Make All the Money!

January 8th, 2007

Why is that? Why does about 3% of the population make all or most of the money while the other 97% stay broke and ticked off at the ones that are making all the money? This is true not only in the industry that I am in but in most industries in the world of business. Is the system set up that way? Only the ones that have been there the longest make the most money? I think not.

The fact of the matter is…..when you are faced with an obstacle, and it seems almost impossible, what goes through your mind? What is your thought process? I’m sure most people when asked whether or not they could climb Mount Everest the answer would be no or I can’t. Kids are being taught in this day and age to accept failure in a round about way. And if you are a parent you may be contributing to this but may not have a clue that you are. For example: What do most kids say when they are faced with an obstacle? The all famous words….I can’t. Now, most parents I assume will probably help their child accomplish the task at hand. But how does that help the child? What does the child learn from that? He learns to accept failure and to depend on someone else to get results for him. Someone else will come to the rescue.

Teach your children from a very young age to become leaders. Teach them that they can accomplish anything they want and have anything they want. Do not settle with the “I can’t” drama. They don’t know any better and it is up to you as parents to teach them how to be responsible for their own results in life. Teach them to look in a mirror when they don’t get their desired results and then teach them how to go out and get them on their own. Give a man a fish and feed him for one meal……teach a man to fish and feed him for life!

This is where leaders are born. They are born when they cultivate that expectation of leadership within themselves and know that they are they only one responsible for their own successes and failures. People are leaders when they accept responsibility for their own results in life.

There will always be those who wonder why they aren’t having success and in some way bitter towards those who are. A leader finds solutions, not excuses. And you know what, you have a duty to become one of those leaders. You have a responsibility to become rich and to have success, so that others have some way of knowing that there is a better life out there. You can only help someone to the top if you are standing above them, to lend them a hand. Leadership cannot be taught, it has to be learned. Thus, I help those who can help themselves. So, as it always is, the ones who will make all the money, are the ones who know they will.

Non-Deliberate vs. Deliberate Attraction!

January 6th, 2007

What results are you attracting into your business or your life? Take a look at yourself and evaluate where you are. Are you having success? Are you flat out broke and negative and the world seems to be against you? Or are you the most positive person around and everything that comes your way just adds to your beautiful and wonderful life? Are you attracting all of this into your world? Do you believe in the Law of Attraction or know anything about it and how it works? Some of this content is taken straight out of the book “The Law of Attraction” by Michael Losier. He defines the Law of Attraction as the science of attracting more of what you want and less of what you don’t.

Let’s start of by defining what non-deliberate attraction is and how it works. You may not know it but what you are doing right now is sending out some type of vibration. It may be positive or it may be negative depending on what your thoughts are and your reactions to what I am writing. For example: What happens every time you open your wallet and don’t see any money in there but just mostly credit cards? Are you sending a vibration and what kind of a vibration is it? Most likely you are sending out a number of vibrations. They are mostly ones that you may not want more of returning to you. Negative vibrations of having no money, being in debt, or the “need” for more money. If you focus on needing more money what are you going to get? More needy! This is an example of non-deliberate attraction and what you get more of whether you mean to attract it or not.

Now the real potential of getting more of what you want falls into mastering the deliberate attraction. Actually attracting what you want into your world and having the ability to control the vibrations you are putting out there and ultimately what is coming back to you. Whether you know what the Law of Attraction is, know that it is happening, or believe in it, it is still there. Every thought or action you take is sending out either negative or positive vibrations that will eventually come back to you in the same form, negative or positive. It is up to you to master what vibrations you are sending. As you do this, you will find that things you want will start pouring into your life like it was destiny and meant to happen.

The Past Year in the Life of a Millionaire!

January 2nd, 2007

This past year has been the best year of my financial career. I have been a successful entrepreneur for nearly three years now and have since made more in a month than I did the entire last year. I not only achieved the goals that I had set for myself, but I went above and beyond my own expectations. My financial future is even more secure than ever before. I have a very hefty bank account and a huge monthly income flow.

My family and I have an amazing life. This year we went to Cancun in March, Australia in June, and Hawaii in October! This was our first trip ever to Australia and let me tell you, it was breath taking. It was all that and then some. Cancun and Hawaii were nothing short of spectacular. The water was great, crystal clear and warm. The service at the resorts were top notch and the events were transformational. We took a helicopter tour of the Big Island of Hawaii, over the volcano. Wow. Amazing! Talk about some breath taking views. But the most important part, is that we are together. My family is my life, and without them, everything else is pointless.

We moved from our 2000+ square foot home into our 4500+ SQ FT dream home that was completed in February. It appraises for close to a million dollars. It is just how we pictured it being. We have a great room with 20ft vaulted ceilings, a huge custom kitchen, a separate living room, an enormous office, a huge master suite, 3 guest bedrooms, a bonus room, 2.5 baths and all right here in the Country Club of Pinetop Arizona. We live amongst the pine trees of the White Mountains. We are 30 minutes from the Sunrise Ski resort where we have learned the art of snow boarding. I’m not the best, but am getting better.

I feel that I have been very blessed this year and have been able to take part in helping a lot of people. I am very grateful and am humbled by the success that has come into my life, but feel that I created it. I made the choice to make it all happen. And it did.

Today is December 31, 2007. This past year is exactly the year I planned it to be.

And no, the date is not a typo. If you can’t see, hear, smell, and feel yourself where you will be exactly a year from now……how will you ever get there. Think it up, visualize it, plan for it, and make it happen! You own your day today, and every day before today and every day after. Now, what have you got planned for it?

Make it a very prosperous and abundant 2007!

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