The Graffiti Restaurant

May 12th, 2009

graffiti restaurantA man was walking down a street. It was a very nice street with all kinds of shops, restaurants and people. It was the most prosperous street in town and this certain man was having a fantastic time. He was headed to a restaurant he had heard about and lunch time was approaching. Well, before eating the best meal he would ever have, he looked at a wall down an alley, and read something someone wrote. It said, “This is the worst street in the world. Don’t eat the food, it’s the worst food you will ever have and it costs way too much!” Well, naturally, the guy decided not to eat at the restaurant, which is also the choice that most people would make. Only very few actually go into the restaurant after reading the writing on the wall. These very few are the people that enjoy the best food and will continue to return to the restaurant regardless of what someone else says, because they know first hand and create their own opinions. It turns out, the guy who wrote that comment on the wall, which is graffiti, lives just below it in a cardboard box.

The Graffiti Restaurant

The internet is a wall full of graffiti from people who have been offended, found fault, found what they thought were greener pastures or just plainly quit. That’s why it is there. They can’t blame themselves for their own failure. That would be crazy right?! So they make their blame public by using the internet.

I mean, someone could walk into paradise and still find something wrong with it if they were looking for it. Right!? Thus is life. As an example, I live near Phoenix Arizona. I’m not saying that Phoenix is paradise okay, but when it rains, it cools off the entire town, and for a brief moment, can be paradisical. It only rains a few times a year there and people were actually complaining about the rain, wishing it would stop. This is proof that people will complain about anything, regardless of what a blessing it is.

Ten times out of ten, the guy to listen to is definitely not the guy who moves from one opportunity to the next, hoping that it will be better than the last. And ten times out of ten, the ones to listen to are not the bums writing graffiti in forums. The ones to listen to are the people who have created success. It just makes sense! You just have to ask yourself the questions, “Who do want to become like?” If you want to be a graffiti bum, take advice from the graffiti bum. If you want to be outrageously successful, take advice from the outrageously successful. Simple!

I eagerly await the day when the majority of the people take the advice of someone successful over the opinion of 30 people who are not. Following the majority has never been the way to create success in life. Otherwise, everyone would be outrageously successful. If you are following the majority, chances are, your results are just like the majority, average! Ask Albert Einstein if he followed the majority, Abraham Lincoln, Michael Jordan. There a leaders and there are followers. A follower, is not a leader.

It turns out, the restaurant owner in the story decides to leave the statement on the wall that deters so many people and is glad it is there. Why? It’s because he now gets the perfect customer. The customer who is loyal and returns often and tells all his other loyal friends about this great restaurant. The statement on the wall keeps out the ones who would have found fault, even in paradise! It keeps the ones out that are “wishy-washy” in their decisions and jump from one thing to the next. It keeps out the ones who are terrified to experience change. It keeps out the followers of the majority. The graffiti bum has actually done the restaurant owner a huge favor!

You, the one reading this, might be the one who bases decisions on what the graffiti says. If it is you, I hope you are enjoying “average!”

Choose to be the one out of 30 who can see past the graffiti and the bum living below it, who was the author of it.

Is This a Get Rich Quick Scheme?

May 4th, 2009

Get rich quick schemeFrom time to time I will get the question, “Is this a get rich quick scheme?” I think it is hilarious when I do because most people probably can’t even define what a “Get rich quick scheme” really is. I assume it is something that promises you that you’ll get rich with little or no risk or effort. I would think this would be something a little more like gambling or pyramids, something you can just throw a little bit of cash at in hopes to get a ton back.

Is this a get rich quick scheme?

Let’s analyze the phrase, “Get rich quick,” a little bit. I guess it really all depends on the rate at which one gets rich, right? Before we get into that, let’s establish what being “Rich” really is. It would be safe to say that being a “millionaire” would be a good starting point. There are a lot of factors to consider when determining if someone is really rich, so for the sake of time, let’s say a millionaire is someone who is rich.

Let’s do some basic math. I believe the average annual income in the USA is right around $35,000. How many years, at that income, would it take a person to make a million bucks? Don’t worry, I couldn’t figure it out in my head either. Here’s the numbers:

The average person will take 28.57 years to make an accumulative million dollars, with all or most of that going to pay their costs of living. This business opportunity puts you on a much quicker path to making your first million. Instead of a 29 year track, you hold the potential to do it here within 18 months to 5 years. It’s been done over and over again. It’s definitely not a get rich quick scheme, or a scheme of any kind, but definitely a get rich quicker “theme!”

Take a look at it this way. When on a long walk you come to a mountain. You can either choose to go over it or around it. Both ways will take you to the same destination. One will obviously take longer than the other and one will be a lot more risky. Which one will you choose? The one who chooses to go around, will happily stroll along using just enough energy and risk as needed to get around the mountain. The one who chooses to go over it, will become stronger with each risk, building muscle and confidence with every obstacle.

I don’t know about you guys, but I sure didn’t want to spread my first million over a period of 29 years. I took the shorter path. Really all it is, is the ability to take a risk. The risk in this business opportunity is not whether it works or not, but instead, a risk in whether or not you will work. That is the only risk there is. If you will work and make it happen, welcome to the shorter path. I look forward to working with you and seeing your tremendous success!

Business – Traditional vs Network Marketing

February 9th, 2009

I had a conversation today that inspired me to write this post. The conversation was not a very successful conversation as the person on the other end of the line seemed to think that Network Marketing was a ridiculous business to be involved in. I asked him if he was a business owner and he said that he was. The conversation was very short, and to the point. He seemed to thing that my business in Network Marketing, was not a very reputable business.

So, I would like to do a comparison of the Traditional style business versus a Network Marketing business in Direct Sales. So here we go!

Let’s start with a traditional business, or a brick and mortar type of setup that has a boss, employees, health plan and all that jazz. First off, I would like to get something straight, this type of business is set up just like an ant colony. All the worker ants support the queen by bringing her food, building her home and providing protection. The boss/owner of an enterprise is the one that obviously makes the most money. Who makes that money for him, his workers. These types of businesses obviously offer a valuable product or service for it’s customers but only the owner makes a real profit. Now I could go into this a lot deeper but we know that the employees aren’t the ones making the most money. Employees struggle to make ends meet. They definitely don’t flourish and what does this do? It makes them more dependent and they are paid the minimum wage possible for their work. The minimum! So we can safely say that the boss, is the profitable one.

The product or service offered obviously varies and can make others money depending on what it is, but usually, the customer does not profit monetarily from your product. They just give their money in exchange for the item or service of value and that’s it.

Now, Network Marketing. Most people in this world will automatically think of MLM when they hear “Network Marketing.” I am speaking of Direct Sales, which is much more lucrative and on more of a level playing field for all involved. In this type of business, which most people call a Home Based Business, the owners of the company still profit the most, which is standard with most businesses, but Network Marketing companies are designed to profit others monetarily instead of just themselves. They provide a product or service of value to the customer attached to a lucrative business opportunity. Network Marketing can be classified as a group of Entrepreneurs working together to market a specific product or service as independent contractors. So instead of being paid employees, they are independent business owners usually paid through commission when a product is sold.

Now this is where the huge difference is between this business model and the traditional one, the independent business owner makes nearly 60% of the total sale as commission! As far as my experience goes, no other traditional style company offers employees that type of a payout. They are usually paid a wage and a small percentage of their sales volume.

Network Marketing is a leadership factory. It teaches, trains and often times is a stepping stone for Entrepreneurs moving on to bigger things, but the basis for their success was learned while in Network Marketing. Donald Trump said that if he had to start from scratch all over again, he would start in Network Marketing. There is so much potential in this type of business model, which obviously most people don’t realize. Every new associate or independent business owner has the same income potential, regardless of the experience, education, or employers point of view. Their level of income is dependent on their own ability to create it. There is a product in place, a system to show you how to do the business and others who have gone before you to mentor you. I don’t know an easier way!

I absolutely love Network Marketing. It allows people complete freedom….time freedom, Financial Freedom and the lifestyle of their choosing. It empowers people to realize their own greatness instead of making them work for the minimum at great sacrifice to their home life. It is a curse and a plague for those who misunderstand it and fail at it but a jewel for those who dicover it and succeed at it. It is definitely not meant for everyone but everyone is welcome. The possibilities are endless and in my opinion, Network Marketing is the business model of the future.

The four W’s of this business!

February 16th, 2007

I am here to help those who can help themselves. I am not here to carry the world on my shoulders and hold hands with needy people. We all have needs. But what separates the ones that get what they need and the ones that don’t, is will power to do so. I only mentor leaders and in the process of looking for the great ones, I have to sort through the ones that aren’t willing to make decisions or who aren’t ready.

There is a saying and is known as the four W’s. Some Will, some Won’t, so What, someone is Waiting. Not to say that I don’t care if someone is successful or unhappy. But I can not wait around until someone is ready to help themselves by moving forward in their lives with confidence and ambition. I present an opportunity to qualified individuals who are ready for a change. If you are reading through my website right now then something in your life, career, family, etc is not going as planned. Something needs to change or add to what you are currently doing. And you know what, you won’t make that change until you are so sick and tired. Sick of living a life of mediocrity.

So, if you feel you are a strong willed, ambitious leader, then you deserve to take a look at this business, get started and begin living a life of abundance and prosperity.

Be proud of the industry you are in!

October 21st, 2006

Promoting Network Marketing

Be proud of the industry you are in!

Network marketing and direct sales have produced more self-made millionaires than any other industry in the world.

There will always be nay-sayers telling you to stop pursuing your dreams, regardless of the vehicle you choose to achieve them.

By promoting the industry you are in with pride, you will begin attracting other people to your circle of influence who feel good about the industry and people you can collaborate with to create the success you seek.

Here are five reasons to promote network marketing:

1. Network marketing and direct sales have produced more self-made millionaires than any other industry in the world.

2. If you are in this industry, you want to spread the good word about the opportunities available, not fall in with the crowd who is skeptical.

3. You never know who you might “accidentally” find as a teammate or product user simply by positively promoting yourself and the industry.

4. Life is a game of networking, regardless of your vocation. You have the opportunity to meet some of the greatest people in life as a network marketer; people who are in the process of designing a life rather than making a living!

5. Some of the most innovative products on the market are available only through network marketing. Our society deserves to know abo! ut their options to increase their health, wealth and quality of life!

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