3 Tips to Smart Investing

August 9th, 2013

InvestingIf you are wondering how to buy shares, you should know that it is not hard at all. You just need to get a broker that you can contact online or on the phone. You can then put in orders to purchase certain shares, which will be processed immediately, or you can instruct your broker to do it for you. With new online platforms, this really just takes a minute or less. It is not the buying of shares that is difficult, but knowing which ones to buy. There are a few things you should consider before making a purchase.

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The ENV2 Contest is on! And it’s easier to win.

August 6th, 2013

env2 contestThe contest is on! Empower Network is getting ready to launch the new and improved ENV2, and in preparation for the launch has restructured their contest a bit. Instead of giving all the prizes to the top ten affiliates company wide, they’ve broken it down into four different income groups, making it easier for more people to win a prize.

The top five affiliates in their income bracket will receive a prize! So not only do you cash in on the income you generate by accumulating contest points, but you get rewarded for your tact in playing the game!

Here are the ENV2 contest details:

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Investing in Commercial Recycling

August 1st, 2013

commercial recyclingInvesting In Commercial Recycling

Over the last few years, commercial recycling companies and the industry of recycling management has experienced positive ROI. This, in addition to the focus on reducing carbon footprint, has resulted in growth of green businesses. However, little is known about the workings of commercial recycling companies and the status quo of related investment opportunities.

What it involves?

A layman concept would be that such a venture would include recycling of waste material that can range from scrap to metals. The economic tariff is quite similar to the way the commodity market works.

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