The Road Less Traveled

September 17th, 2009

In my last post I spoke about having the antidote to all the negativity in the media out there. It seems that we are all constantly bombarded with sad, bad or worse news by the media. It’s not healthy to be exposed to that day in and day out. I heard a statistic about children the other day. It said that by the time our kids reach a certain age, and it was a very young age, they will have seen murders, rapes, beatings, war, famine, hunger, and all the things we intend for our children NEVER to experience. And they get it all from the media.

The Road Less Traveled

Well here is the antidote to that. This is the media I have been speaking of. This is the kind of positiveness that inspires. This was produced by the company I work with. This is why I am so passionate about what I do and what I assist others in doing. It’s a documentary featuring a comedian named Michael Jr. who is someone who is making a positive impact in the lives of others. This is a small peek into the type of media my business opportunity offers. It’s inspiring!

I hope you’ll enjoy the video as much as I did!


Antidote to Negativity in the Media

September 15th, 2009

NewsAre you one of the millions of people throughout the world that watch the news? If you are, then it should be pretty easy for you to answer this question. What does the “News” consider news? You know the answer! News is disaster, negative media, suffering and bad things that are happening around the world. Now, I am generalizing but I would say that nearly 90-95% of the reported news is about something negative. This includes death, murder, vandalizing, natural disaster, sickness, poverty, deceit, scandal, foreclosure, war, and many many more things which are the opposite of positive.

Seriously, as you finish watching the news, do you feel uplifted, more confident and inspired to be better and do better? Do you go throughout your day without even thinking about all the negativity you watched on the news that morning? This is also simple answer, NO! The moment you watch the news you feel burdened, depressed, sorry, worried, overcautious, terrified, and the list goes on and on. The images and language you just heard out of your radio or on your television is going to bounce around in your head all day long like a plague to your capacity to think positively and act productively. It’s a weight that neither you nor I deserve to carry every day.

Guys, my simple advice for you, if you are one of those people, STOP watching the news! Stop today.

You don’t need to know that someone across the world died in a car bombing, or that Chevy went bankrupt or that a certain actor overdosed on drugs. If it doesn’t inspire you or serve you in the best possible way, steer clear of it.

Imagine the difference between the productivity of someone who has negativity bouncing around in their head all the time versus someone who has only positive, inspiring information. The difference would be night and day!

The antidote to negative media is here. Imagine a TV channel with nothing but positive stories of people who are accomplishing amazing things in their lives and doing things to inspire others. What would your day be like if you watched something like that every morning or every night. Instead of pictures of horrible crimes and economic downturn swelling in your head as you sleep, you have accomplishment, success and prosperity. Imagine a massive outflow of positive media in the form of video, audio and educational curriculum. How much of a difference would all of this make in the world? Better yet, how much of a difference would it make in your world?

Ladies and gentleman, I have found the antidote. I am financially tied to it! Do you think that if you had a financial investment in a company that is going to change the face of media and be that antidote to negativity, would it be a profitable venture? Yes it would, and it is……and more than just financially!

Are You an Industry Leader?

September 14th, 2009

Why is it that Coke always out performs Pepsi and, during this new economy, Ford remains stable while Chevy struggles? What is it that separates these amazing companies and why is it that Pepsi will never capsize Coke and why Chevy will never be better than Ford? It has some to do with the products but not as much as you would think. It has a lot to do with which company established their role as the leader in the industry first. Coke came before Pepsi and Ford came before Chevy. They set the standard first and have remained as the industry leader since.

After Coke came about, others tried to copy or out-do it. The same for Ford, others tried to make better trucks. The industry leader always remains the same.

So how do you know if you are an industry leader?

Here are a few ways to know that you are a leader in your niche, or industry.

  1. Others copy you in attempts to make things “Better!”
  2. Others are constantly talking about you.
  3. You have both positive and negative publicity.
  4. When you make a change, everyone notices. When someone else makes a change outside of your company, you have no idea!
  5. Chances are, you were the first in YOUR niche to begin with!

The leader is the pace setter and the reason others will do great. They set the standard. Others will come and will attempt to out do and over perform, but it just won’t happen. The only way to dethrone an industry leader is self-sabotage. So as long as the industry leader is evolving and growing, it will continue to thrive as the leader in its niche.

I am with an industry leader in positive media and Personal Development. We were the first in our niche, we set the standard and will continue to thrive, in the lead. Others mimic, talk, hate, love and notice our every move. That’s what happens! If you are creating some waves, that’s a good thing, as long as your intentions are good. It’s difficult to be noticed while crawling around on ground-level. If you’re at the top, everybody can see you. That’s where we are. A beacon for entrepreneur minded people looking for their ticket to time freedom and financial abundance. We’re changing the world one entrepreneur at a time and will continue to do so as the leader in our niche.

Know For Yourself DVD

September 10th, 2009

Know For YourselfHave you ever heard of the movie “The Secret?” Maybe you’ve read the book? A few years ago the secret was released to the world. It is a documentary revealing the untapped power of the Law of Attraction. Regardless of circumstance, each of us has the ability to literally create our reality through our thoughts. As our thoughts become more focused on what we want, our actions will fall onto the same path and we will manifest the very thing we thought about. It is a DVD that changed the lives of millions of people worldwide. It opened their eyes to what was possible and was a catalyst that sparked the success story in so many people.

If you had wins with “The Secret,” congratulations! The secret gave me an awareness to something that has always existed for me regardless of my knowledge of it.  It has done the same for millions of people around the globe. Millions of copies were sold to individuals who were looking for a new level of awareness and to those who weren’t. It was very controversial yet powerful.

If you are one of the millions who appreciated “The Secret,” allow me to introduce to you the next of its kind, and in my opinion a huge step forward, “Know For Yourself!” Guys, this DVD is huge! Get your hands on a copy of this powerful DVD, watch it and then tell your friends about it. It is just the beginning of living life to its truest potential and the start to a path of ultimate personal fulfillment!

Visit to order your copy of “Know for Yourself.” And for my readers, use my coupon code to get a $5 discount! The Code is 113876!

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