Take Control of Your Life

April 6th, 2009

Take control of your lifeWhat do you think it means when you see or hear the phrase, “Take Control of Your Life?” First off, does it resonate with you at all? Are you inspired to make it happen, to take control?

Well, either it does or it doesn’t. Either you completely understand or you don’t at all. There is no in between on this one. And if you don’t understand, that’s alright. I am here to educate you, to open your eyes a little and to show you the life you should be living, but have simply not yet chosen to.

Take Control of Your Life

So what does “Take Control” truly mean?  Taking control involves actually getting off your butt and doing something about your situation. It entails going where you want, creating what you want, making sure you get what you want and having the foresight to even see what you want before you create it in reality. That is control and any variance if it puts you in in a situation where you are being controlled by something else.

For instance, someone might decide to take control in their own life by going out and making it happen by finding the job or their dreams. Now, what have they just done? They took control, went up to another person/company and handed them the reins and said, “I would like you to control my life for “x” amount of dollars!” Taking control is not going to a job so that someone else can tell you how to live your life. Taking control involves you making the big decisions, not someone else.

How do you know if you are in control? What did you do today? Were you in control of your time, your money, your life, or was it a boss or punch clock at work. Think about it. What have you given control to? Did any of your action and decisions today move you closer to your ultimate lifestyle, or did it just move your closer to paying the bills knowing that it starts all over again tomorrow?

The good news is…..it’s temporary. It can be changed.

Quick story: This is how we finally decided to take control. At first, I thought taking control was getting my dream job, because that is how I was raised. I soon learned, through my training in the military, my dream job was going to give me absolutely zero control over my life. I wanted to be a helicopter pilot. So, we started this business after a long lesson from the Army. We initially spent around $1500 to get started. That was a big deal to us, but not really, now that I look back. $1500 is not a lot of money! If you think it is, you have not yet decided to take control of your financial life. I knew what income I wanted, and at this stage, it would take another $20,000 to reach it.

So here Amy and I were. We were at a crossroad. We didn’t have $20,000 in the bank to invest. We had two options: We could allow our circumstance to dictate us, which was a lack of money, or we could continue to move forward and stay in front of the steering wheel. Now, I could see very clearly what my life would be like if I could just get to that next level. To do that, I had to find the $20,000. Yet, I was still in my situation. I didn’t have the money, but what did I do? Did I hang my head and droop my shoulders and give up the control? No!! I figured it out and found the money! I took control of my own life and did something about it. I made sure my life went in the direction I wanted it to. I paved the road with my own two hands and then I walked! I took action. I made sure it would happen! I did! Not someone else. I did.

Taking control of your life may be, and most likely will be, uncomfortable. It’s uncomfortable because it involves change. Changes, out of ambition, that you make to your own life are always good, regardless of how uncomfortable it gets. You should get comfortable doing the uncomfortable.

Think about what you truly want. Make a plan to get there. Then take MASSIVE action and ensure that it happens. You are the only one that can, and the only one willing to do it! Make it happen. It’s your life. You’ve only got one!

Inspirational Quotes from Transformers

April 3rd, 2009

Inspirational Quotes from TransformersNow I don’t care what anybody thinks, Transformers was one of the coolest movies ever, especially to a guy who used to own all of them as a kid and at times, believed himself to be one. I was a huge Transformers fan. Good against evil, you know, it was good stuff.

Inspirational Quotes from Transformers

Now, once again, I love the lines they feed us in some of these movies. If you pay attention and listen closely, nearly every movie uses a principle of personal development or inspiration for their punch lines. Here is an example of  inspirational quotes from Transformers:

Sam Witwicky(Shia LaBeouf): “No sacrifice, no victory.”

Simple yet profound right? Basically, victory requires effort. Believe it or not, regardless of what home based business you choose to pursue, this is the biggest reason for failure. People think they can get something for nothing. You must give before you get. Give effort, consistently, then you get consistently.

Now, the the punch line of the movie that inspired me the most, was towards the beginning, when they were faced with the choice of getting into the car/transformer:

Sam Witwicky: “He wants us to get in the car.”
Mikaela(Megan Fox): [laughing nervously] “And go where?”
Sam Witwicky: “Fifty years from now, when you’re looking back at your life, don’t you want to be able to say you had the guts to get in the car?”

Needless to say, they got into the car and chose to take part in something greater than themselves. By doing so, they had a shot, one opportunity, to be great themselves.

How many times will you be faced with that one shot to make something happen in your life? How many opportunities does one person get to become great?

When faced with that decision, don’t treat it lightly. Successful people make decisions quickly and seldom change those decisions. Sometimes those decisions can come and go before you realize what happened. When your shot comes, act on it out of ambition instead of fear, and become great! Fifty years from now, you can look back on your life with full regret or no regret. It doesn’t take a lifetime of passing up opportunity after opportunity to be full of regret. It just takes one time, because it will haunt you for eternity.

To answer Mikaela’s question, “And go where?” Wherever you decide. The Sky Is The Limit!

You Choose: Coupons or Wealth

April 1st, 2009

couponsWe have all heard of the common phrase: “For wherever your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” It’s a simple theory really. Whatever you value as most important in your life will get the most attention and most likely, come to pass. So with that said, I think it is very important to know what our treasure is and where our hearts will be. So we must choose consciously and wisely.

Here is a very simple way to know where your treasure lies: Look around you! Look at your lifestyle, your family life, your income, your possessions, your job, your decisions and all that surrounds you. So far, that is where your heart has been.

Now, this mindset thing is very important in obtaining your treasure. Fact: Knowledge is power, or energy. Thoughts are energy. So I think it’s safe to say that if you focus enough thought energy toward one thing, eventually, your heart will take the action to get it. So what we think about is vital in obtaining the treasure, the lifestyle, the income, the job or whatever it is you desire.

Choose: Coupons or Wealth

Here is an example of how simple this really is: When you do your shopping, do you take coupons? Do you look at the price of everything you buy and always choose the cheaper version regardless of quality? Are you most concerned with pinching pennies and saving a buck here and there? Does it hurt to spend money, if you know what I mean? Do you try to spend as little as possible during your trips to the store or do you just get what you want, or need I should say? Or do you really get what you want?

If these are the things you do, your thoughts are focusing on the lack thereof instead of prosperity and abundance. When all of your thought energy is focused on saving, lower prices, spending little, low quality, fear of spending, and pinching every single penny, that is exactly what you will get. You will always have just enough money to get what you need and will have a lack thereof in your bank account. Pinching pennies can be seriously damaging to your mindset and thus be reflected in your income, effecting your lifestyle, causing you to stay in this poverty game of saving a few bucks.

Is it really worth the effort? Is sacrificing your mindset honestly worth a few bucks here and there? In the big picture, it will kill your prosperity and success. Don’t do it. It is so much easier just to get what you want. Ignore the prices. Ten cents here or there will not matter to your bank account, but will to your mindset.

Every thought and every ounce of thought energy should go towards making more and thriving? Imagine if you spent more time thinking about prosperity than you did on saving at the grocery store. What and where would your treasure be then? Think about it!

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