Making Money Is Not A Hard Thing To Do!

July 30th, 2008

What is this concept, or this thing that people will kill for, die for, sacrifice their lives for and even sacrifice their loved ones for? It amazes me what people will do for MONEY! Even though they may not realize it, most people really are giving up every ounce of joy in their persuit of money. To most people, making money is a hard thing to do. They have the concept that money is elusive and is never around. When they think of money, harsh and negative feelings arouse. We have all heard of this phrase: Money is the root of all evil, or money doesn’t grow on trees! Most people are raised with these kinds of ideas. What does that do to their ability to make money? It destroys it.

The simple truth about money is that there is plenty of it. More money is being made every single day and it does grow on trees. It is mostly made of paper! If we took all the money in the entire world and divided it up among everybody, we would all be wealthy. There is plenty to go around. So why are so many people broke? That is a whole new topic.

One of the most important things to know about money, is that it’s always in flow. Think of it as a river…and not just a trickling stream but a roaring and raging river that will never run dry. That is the flow of money and all you have to do is step in front of it. There are a million different ways to make a million dollars in this world the key to stepping in front of that river, is in your head.

Think about this, if you have negative thoughts about a person, basically thinking he is the root of all evil, he is never around and everytime you think of him, you have harsh and negative feelings towards him. Answer this question: Would you hang around someone who had those feelings towards you? No you wouldn’t. You would be everywhere else but there. It’s the same for money. It will come to those who appreciate it, who work for it, who use it in flow and who know of it’s potential for goodness and lifestyle. That is the person who attracts true wealth into their wallets! That is the person who money will hang around with.

If there is one thing I would like you to take away from this article regarding money, it would be: You are a money magnet! Everytime you find a quarter on the ground or make a big check, repeat that phrase in your head. You will be amazed at the effect it will have on your bank account!

3 Things I do that 97% of people don’t!

July 22nd, 2008

So what do I do that most of the world does not? There are many levels of living your life. Some people make a living and some people live their life and there is an extreme difference between the two. One way of living involves the word “settling” and the other does not. Both involve choice! Not choosing to live is still choosing not to live. I can tell you, there are a lot more than just 3 things I do that most people don’t, but let’s name a few.

#1. Instead of only having 2 weeks paid vacation, I have over 3 months. In doing what I do, it doesn’t matter where I am in the world. As long as I have my laptop, a phone, and the internet, I am generating income. How many people do you personally know that can be on a beach in Cancun or in Rome with their family and still make thousands? It is a lot easier than you think! Do you really know what it is like to not remember what day it is. Monday or Saturday? It’s really the same thing to me. I always miss the holidays that most people treat as gold because they usually get the day off. Everyday is a weekend and everyday is independence day for me. I celebrate my independence from bondage!

#2. I eat breakfast with my kids on Monday mornings, and Tuesday mornings, and Wednesday Mornings, and Thursday mornings etc,. I have the privilege, that most people will never have, to sit and eat a bowl of Lucky Charms with my kids while listening to the soundtrack of “Surf’s up!” I don’t wake up in the mornings thinking of what work I have to do. I wake in the mornings thinking of how to enjoy my day. My kids wake me up. They are my alarm clock!

#3. I work 3 hours a day, Monday through Thursday! I work a total of 20 hours a week…..MAX! How many people have that kind of a work schedule and still make a huge income. Now, when I say a huge income, I really mean that. I mean, how else would I fund my 6 vacations that I plan on taking this year! How can I afford that kind of a lifestyle. Some may think of me as wealthy and I feel I haven’t even scratched the surface yet! What would you do with the rest of your day after only having a 3 hour work day? Finally enjoy your life, maybe?

Now you have been introduced to the concept of the 3 hour work day and a few of the things that I will never take for granted again. I love this business and what it has provided for my family and I. Everyone deserves to have these things in their life as well. It’s as simple as a choice….a choice to stop settling and to start living!