Life is good!

July 4th, 2007

You know, I take pride in living in this great nation! Do you realize how many people would love to be in your shoes at this very moment in time and would change places with you at the drop of a hat? We live in the land of Opportunity! This is land of the free. Millions of people have begged and persisted on getting into this great nation for that one reason. There is so much opportunity. You can literally do as you please. If you want to change your life, your religion, your ocupation, your location…you just do it. Your choices are not limited.

The average American income is around 35k per year. I actually used to live on that before I decided not to. And really that is all it takes, just a decision. But also consider that the average household income in some 3rd world countries is only hundreds of dollars. We have it good. Really good! Most people have no idea how good we really have it here in the United States. How many people live in fear? How many people really don’t realize that they can create their own life. They live in the land of opportunity and they don’t even realize what they have at their finger tips. 

There are those who are molded by outside circumstances…..and there are circumstances that mold around a person because of who they are. They create their circumstance instead of waiting around for it to create them. I love the opportunity that I am involved in and love the life that it has provided for me. But you know what? I made the choice to change my circumstance instead of allowing that 35k a year become a part of who I am. That is chump change. I can make that in a month now. You create your own reality and live in whatever you create. You have the hardest part of it all taken care of. You live in the US of A!

Happy Independence Day to all of you here in the U.S.! Make it a great holiday and live life to its fullest. Make a difference in someone’s life today and remember the history of our great nation. Life is good! Live it up!

It is Winter on the other side of the world!

July 2nd, 2007

You would think that you might be safe with just packing a few sweaters for a trip to Australia. The old boy scout motto of “be prepared” was not with me while preparing to go down under. There were 30 degree days down there with the wind and rain just whippin atcha! Australia is known to be more or less a country of drought. Well, it had been raining for 3 weeks prior to when we got there and rained while we were there. So, they are all greatful for the blessing of rain. Being from the mountains of Arizona, I am accustomed to the cold weather. So the temperature there didn’t bother me too much….until we went on our all day tour to the Blue Mountains. The temperature dropped 20 degrees up there and the wind was intense. But it was a great time and we were able to see a lot.

When I picture Australia, I see the outback. You know, desert. Well, I was wrong. Sydney is a beatiful area with rolling hills of green grass and trees everywhere. Up in the blue mountains it was just like a rain forest. There were vines growing all over the place with ferns, giant fern trees, and vegetation of every kind. There were acres and acres of farms that produced enough fruit and vegetables to supply all of Syndey. They don’t have the need to import much there. I was taken back a bit by how nice it was there.

Sydney, however, is one of the most expensive cities to live in. I believe it comes in second to Los Angeles. If you can get used to driving on the left hand side of the road, I would give it two thumbs up for an area to live in. There is more than enough to do there to keep you busy and has all the amenities that you would need to live comfortably. Sydney rocks!

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